- A brother is no bother; we all have the same Father.
- Accept yourself without exceptions.
- Addiction is a funeral, not fun.
- Addiction is a phantasmagoria of euphoria.
- Addiction is a slippery slope from sweets to dope with booze and smokes interposed.
- A friend knows but loves you.
- A healthy diet is like a good recipe: you need the right ingredients in the right proportions.
- A lot of science is just "lab-oratory."
- Alcohol is the beverage with leverage.
- All governments need an abrupt disruption of core corruption.
- America’s poor and hungry need a Commander-in-Chef.
- A mind requires education, dedication, and edification.
- Argumentation desecrates and dessicates communication.
- Art is a duty to beauty, not booty.
- Art is the exquisite apposition of requisite opposites.
- Art is the translation of common pain into uncommon beauty.
- Art is pictures that create words. Literature is words that create pictures.
- Artists ask why; scientists ask how.
- As coessentials, peace and health are our mission. Peace is contrition not conviction, and health is nutrition not addiction. So peace and health need contrition and nutrition not conviction or addiction.
- As the circus maximus of politics, elections are a tug-of-war between the left and right with the center of the rope wrapped around the public's neck.
- At Halloween, monstrous people dress their little monsters as monsters.
- At the very least, life is a matter of life and death.
- Austerity is the temerity of disparities between private prosperity and public asperity, all to the detriment of verity, sincerity, and posterity.
- Authors offer public disclosures from private enclosures.
- Avoid toxins and addictions. This is the essence of self-care.
- Baubles bedazzle our ignoble mettle with noble metals.
- Beauty is sincere and dear, not artifical or superficial.
- Be buddies, not baddies.
- Big Pharma is the pell–mell pill mill, pol's pal, king of kickbacks, and queen of quacks.
- Birth is when the soul ignites and brightens the light that delights our sight till we start to fight.
- Blending theology with chronology, faith is accepting the past, tolerating the present, and trusting the future.
- Booze and guns are a no-no: blotto plus ammo equals blammo.
- Break the vicious cycle. Start the nutritious cycle.
- Bullies belittle and belie the loveliness of life.
- Celibacy and chastity can make you crotchety.
- Childhood does not last forever, but the mistakes of childhood do.
- Children ask why; adults ask how.
- Children love cartoons because they highlight life's marvel - ANIMATION.
- Civilization is water management.
- Combining inspiration with exasperation, conversations intertwine time with whine, and mine with thine.
- Common sense cures nonsense.
- Commune, don't impugn.
- Complexity conceals perplexity.
- Computers digitize data, but midgetize mater and pater.
- Confection is not affection or perfection, but an affliction of disaffection.
- Conformity is a deformity.
- Conformity is an infection which requires a dose of disaffection.
- Conformity yields stereotypy, but not who you ought to be.
- Corrupt politics and press need newsy newbies, nervy netizens, and savvy citizens to right ‘em and write ‘em, item by item, ad infinitum.
- Corruption is our proclivity for duplicity.
- Creativity is a joint venture between your conscious and unconscious.
- Creativity is an odd oddysey of unmet needs leading to crises of insights.
- Culture is a prism that reflects light and a prison that rejects light.
- Death is an apparition of parturition.
- Death is when the soul gives up the fight and takes flight, but stays out of sight till the time is right.
- Dedicate yourself to your internal health, and your appearance will take care of itself.
- Diametrical but asymetrical, truth is a paradox that paralyzes us with dizzying diversity and ardent adversity.
- Diet and behavior are inseparable.
- DNA's double helix is the original odd couple.
- Don't be down on brown, 'cause red ain't dead, and black is back.
- Don't measure yourself; treasure yourself.
- Dotted and blotted with hospitals and hoosegows, we are besotted and bemused by booze.
- Each day is a lifetime: waking up is like birth, and falling asleep is like death.
- Education is humbling: it teaches us that we are arrogant, ignorant, and impotent.
- Electricity is a big grid of itty-bitty negativities.
- Epidermal but eternal and infernal, racism is skin-deep but sin deeper.
- Escape your bind: be kind; use your mind.
- Experts are smitten with their smarts.
- Fate is when the implausible and impossible become inevitable and ineluctable.
- Food is fuel for life and health.
- Food is live medicine; medicine is dead food.
- Fools confuse data with facts, facts with knowlege, and knowledge with wisdom.
- Fools focus on facts. The wise focus on wisdom.
- Fun is hell you enjoy.
- Genetics is the transmogrification of protean magic into protein mystery.
- Gentleness and kindness are not weakness or bleakness, but the greatness of meekness, the elixir of life and fixer of strife.
- Ghazals from Gaza and sonnets from Sinai win huzzahs and high-fives.
- God creates; man recreates.
- God is a creator; man is a creature and creation.
- God is a paradox. He's not human, but He's not inhuman. He's not a person, but He's not impersonal. He's very versatile.
- God is the very essence of eternal presence.
- Good writing is a definitive statement about life's indefiniteness.
- Good writing is a link between think and ink.
- Good writing is rumination with illumination.
- Good writing is a smooth flow of lucid, logical, linguistic linkages.
- Government is blind, because public officials lack insight, foresight, hindsight, and oversight.
- Government is so consistently dishonest and dysfunctional that the party in power always looks worse than the party out of power.
- Governments collect dollars and cents, but dispense dolor and nonsense.
- Gravity is earth's embrace. Depravity is man's disgrace.
- Happiness is today and tomorrow without pain or sorrow.
- Healing hurts.
- Health is the shield between life and death.
- Healthcare depends on self-care, which means avoiding toxins and addictions.
- Hell is a hopeless search for help.
- Home cooking is health ensurance.
- Home is hope, but no home is nope: no address, access, ingress, egress, or recess. With its noxious no-nos and no-gos, homelessness is a hellish mess of helplessness.
- Homey and wholesome, love is like food.
- Hope fortifies the future.
- Horticulture is botany without monotony.
- If necessity is the mother of invention, tragedy is the father.
- If we check seconds, spirit minutes, and scour hours, time will be realized not just memorialized.
- If we infuse currency with clemency, we'll have a bonhomie economy.
- In a democracy, citizens vote, but politicians veto.
- In Paradise, humanity is humane.
- Injustice is Mother Nature's motto; the cross is her logo.
- Intelligence is foresight, hindsight, insight, and oversight, not righteousness or spite.
- It’s better to be rejected for who you are, than accepted for who you’re not.
- It's more humane to cure your enemies than to kill them.
- Justice is the science of mercy, because without mercy, there is no justice or science.
- Knowledge with common sense is wisdom. Knowledge without common sense is nonsense.
- Let's not be offensive or defensive like liberals and conservatives; let's be pensive.
- Let's seek peace and health as artists and artisans, not as partisans.
- Let's seek and speak common sense, because it's basic logic. Its presence is wisdom, but its absence is nonsense.
- Life depends on metabolism and food, just as industry depends on machinery and fuel.
- Life is a compulsory lottery with great advertising but no prizes.
- Life is a contest in which animals compete to eat and plants compete to be eaten.
- Life is duality, not reality.
- Life is a lesson that doesn't begin or end in school.
- Life is a slalom. Man is a schussboomer.
- Life is a soul’s solitary sojourn in space, time, and fate.
- Life is an internal odyssey with external oddities.
- Life is like a ride on a subway train. The only thing worse than the trip is the destination.
- Life is magic. Addiction is tragic.
- Life is not a contest or conquest, but a quest for the best in and for each and every one of us.
- Like politics, the media are a mean, internecine scheme of screaming memes.
- Like life itself, truth is a spectrum. And both spectra deserve respect. Without respect, truth scatters light, shatters rights, and starts fights. Without respect, truth busies us with dizzying diversity and ardent adversity.
- Linking addiction with affliction and craving with raving, addiction aggravates the vile violence and wicked killing of abundant guns. So blotto plus ammo equals blammo.
- Linking editors with predators and sponsors with monsters, the media are mean internecine schemes of screaming memes.
- Linking XY with guy, but XX with sex, female beauty is a duty and a burden.
- LOVE Diet your enemy.
- Love is why, food is how, and life is now.
- Man's downfall is his intolerance of uncertainty.
- Man's fundamental problem is that Mother Nature is neither human nor humane.
- Man's quest is questionable. Life is unexplained, not inexplicable.
- Many believe and opine, but few perceive or define.
- Marriage blends passion with compassion.
- Miracles tackle obstacles and debacles by unshackling us from our manacles.
- Mixing metrics with ethics, truth fuses science with philosophy. Science quantifies and classifies truth, while philosophy qualifies and clarifies truth. Without this crucial fusion, we wallow in confusion.
- Modern medicine is humpty-dumpty meds with lumpy hospital beds.
- Money is an unsympathetic symbol that compels us to be nimble.
- Money is stock issued by a nation-state. As your portfolio increases, so does your citizenship.
- More farm-assists, fewer pharmacists.
- Most parents teach their children, by example, what not to do.
- Needs are necessities, but greed is excessities.
- Nothing should be taken at face value - least of all, a face.
- Now, more than ever before, time must be realized, not just memorialized.
- Nutrition enables. Addiction enslaves.
- Oat cuisine trumps haute cuisine.
- Our bad names and blame games are blind dead-end streets where minds never meet.
- Our quest for maternal substitutes drives and defines our lives.
- Peace and health are inseparable.
- Peace and health are coequal. Peace is contrition not conviction, and health is nutrition not addiction. So peace and health need contrition and nutrition not conviction or addiction.
- Peace equals health, but health is the prequel, and peace is the sequel. Health is nutrition not addiction, and peace is contrition not conviction. So peace and health are unequaled.
- Peace is an elite retreat from conceit and deceit, not an effete defeat.
- Peace is an equal and sequel of health.
- Peace is primary, science is secondary, and tech is tertiary.
- Peace Poetry is noetic, poetic, and prophetic.
- Peace Poetry is soft poems for a hard life.
- People who are always right lack the courage to be wrong.
- People who have all the answers never ask themselves any questions.
- People who are lovesick and love-starved are sick from addictive substances and starving for nutritious food.
- Political correctness is veridical indirectness and a parody of parity.
- Politicians are euphonious phonies, impostors who posture, bandits backed by pundits, and backstabbers disguised as backslappers.
- Politicians are twerps and perps who usurp.
- Politicians who tell us to come together and move forward, are herding us like cattle.
- Politics is abstraction and distraction without traction or action.
- Politics is a charade and farce with a parades of arses.
- Politics is a Colosseum, in which liberals give us bread (welfare) and conservatives give us circus (war).
- Politics is a tug-of-war between the left and right with the center of the rope wrapped around the public's neck.
- Politics is a metastatic cancer of cronyism, phoneyism, and baloneyism.
- Politics is a nonstop, flip-flop, good cop/bad cop soap opera.
- Politics is a scripted but encrypted soap opera, whose captured but enraptured audience (citizens) focus on the cast (politicians) and announcer (spin doctors), but not the writers (pundits), directors (lawyers and accountants), producers (lobbyists), or sponsors (corporations).
- Politics is false promises based on false premises, and false choices based on false voices.
- Politics is not about lying and cheating; it's about getting away with it.
- Politics is polarizing polemics with plummeting plausibility.
- Polypharmacy is non-homeostatic, humpty-dumpty healthcare.
- Pregnancy is umbilication. Birth is disumbilication. Sex is reumbilication.
- Proper nutrition promotes aging without infirmity.
- Racism is a pigment of the imagination and an impediment to every nation.
- Racism is skin-deep but sin deeper.
- Realism requires appropriate levels of both optimism and pessimism.
- Reality blends morality with mortality.
- Regardless of age or occupation, Monday morning is like the first day of kindergarten.
- Reject your limits, but respect your limitations and need for patience.
- Relate, don't debate.
- Replete with defeat, our science is obsolete, and our elites cheat.
- Retaliation seeks vindication and vengeance with indications of bad intentions.
- Salvation must be sought and wrought, not bought or taught.
- Science is data for all strata and equations for all occasions.
- Science is prescience plus conscience.
- Scientists and adults ask "how." Artists and children ask "why."
- Scripture is divinely inspired epic poetry about a messiah whose supernatural healing powers resolve longstanding family feuds over food, fortune, favoritism, fame, fate, and faith.
- Secrets are sacred safeguards of sentimental sensitivity.
- Security requires the maturity to recognize that we are more biological than logical.
- Self-care is healthcare.
- Self-care means avoiding toxins and addictions.
- Selfhood is the opposite of selfishness.
- Selfishness is the reprehensible and indefensible pretentious acceptance of indispensibles at others' expense.
- Sleep is a review of yesterday's casualties and tomorrow's battle plans.
- Small changes in your diet make big changes in your health.
- Small changes in your habits make big changes in your health.
- Small changes in your health make big changes in your life.
- Society indemnifies itself by condemning the individual.
- Society is a euphemism for status quo-opathy.
- Society is like a pond: the scum floats to the top.
- Society needs an economy based on nutrition and health (LOVE Economy), not addiction and sickness (HATE Economy).
- Society needs fewer chiefs and more chefs.
- Soldiers salute: legs march, backs arch, and throats parch, but feet ache, hearts break, and voices quake.
- Special but spectral, truth is a dazzling diamond with facile facets and tacit assets that scatter light, shatter rights, and start fights. So truth busies us with dizzying diversity and ardent adversity.
- Start art stat.
- Status is not gratis, but a poisoned chalice brimming with malice.
- Stereotyping is ethnocentrism, racism, sexism, paternalism, chauvinism, elitism, egotism, narcissism, and solipsism.
- Stereotypy reverses reality, mocks morality.
- Talk intertwines time with whine, and mine with thine.
- Technology connects us with others, but disconnects us from ourselves.
- Teachers are artists who combine performance art with visual art.
- Terrorism is one part conviction and nine parts addiction.
- The best way to cut the Gordian knot is with Occam's razor.
- The cause of conflict is not your enemy, but your enemy's diet. The cause of conflict is not who, but what.
- The conflict in the Middle East is caused, in part, by the addictive diet of the "middle's eats" (stomach's food).
- The economy is a contradictory blend of capitalism and socialism. Capitalism individualizes, privatizes, commoditizes, and commercializes; while socialism collectivizes, improvises, prioritizes, and civilizes.
- The endpoint of psychoanalysis is to remember and analyze the dream you were having when you were born.
- The euphoria of addiction is a false heaven. The sickness of addiction is a real hell.
- The Garden of Eden was organic.
- The Land of Milk and Honey is the Land of LOVE and HATE.
- The LOVE Diet is a prescription for peace and health.
- The media are a mean, internecine scheme of screaming memes.
- The media mix mediocracy with mediacracy.
- The Middle East is a disjunctive, rambunctious junction.
- The Middle East is a composite of opposites, who are mismatched but attached.
- The Middle East is islands of my land and the lowerlands of the upper-hand.
- The path to world peace begins with individual health.
- The present taunts us with thoughts of the haunting past and daunting future.
- The role of a doctor should begin with the doctor's recognition that the doctor is sick and scared, just like the patient.
- The ubiquity of bickering and dickering reminds us that many relationships are just dueling duos and dynamic dyads that make us foolish and drive us mad.
- The USA is in the middle of JerUSAlem.
- The whole truth is a spectrum that deserves respect. Without respect, truth scatters light, shatters rights, and starts fights. Without respect, truth busies us with dizzying diversity and ardent adversity.
- The whole truth is a truce between half-truths.
- There are three reasons for your actions: the reason you give others; the reason you give yourself; and the real reason.
- Time is a flight to and from ourselves.
- Time is a Möbius loop, with the past and future spliced in the present.
- Time is God's patience: when God runs out of patience, we've run out of time.
- Time is like hair: too much or too little.
- To correct a mood, change the food.
- Today's modern medical center is tomorrow's Bedlam.
- To know the unknowable, think the unthinkable.
- To stop a feud, change the food.
- Tourism bridges the divide between your-ism and our-ism.
- Truth is a multifaceted diamond with facile facets and tacit assets that scatter light, shatter rights, and start fights. So truth busies us with dizzying diversity and ardent adversity.
- Truth is a parallax that links perspective with invective.
- Truth is ruthless. It's a multifaceted diamond with facile facets and tacit assets that scatter light, shatter rights, and start fights.
- Truth is ruthless. It's a multifaceted diamond with facile facets and tacit assets that reflect light but deflect rights.
- Truth is unitary but not solitary.
- Uniformity reflects the deformity of conformity.
- Universal healthcare needs universal self-care.
- Until and unless fate blesses us and says yes, we cannot progress.
- Violence is ruinous, but patience is luminous and numinous.
- Violence needs anticipation and palliation, not participation or retaliation.
- Water can cleanse, drench, and quench, but it should never stench.
- Water dissolves what man can’t solve.
- Water is God's penchant for sentience.
- Water is the mollifying molecule of life.
- We are deluded, because our knowledge is diluted, our thoughts convoluted, and our souls polluted.
- When hate is on hiatus, our love inflates us.
- When love and hate debate, ambivalence abounds spewing spastic sounds.
- With 3 short lines and 17 syllables, haikus are compact, intact, tactful, and impactful. High kudos to Japan and the Far East.
- With cowardice and malice, bullies belittle and belie life.
- With its constant conflicts, God's cryptic Creation cries out, not for fire or empire, but for a mild Messiah and sage Savior, who knows frailty, faith, anguish, and language, but reacts with didactic facts and galactic acts of mercy, mirth, and rebirth.
- With its countless computations and formulations, science is debated data for all strata and unequal equations for all occasions.
- Women are supine and open, but men are prone and alone.
- Words don't count; deeds do.
- World events are shaped more by addiction than conviction.
- Writing is a link between think and ink.
- Wrought of ignoble mettle, man is the beast of kings.
- Your hunger and thirst come first.