Healthcare is hell. The more we get, the worse we feel. There are 24 medical specialties and 88 sub-specialties. How can we choose, afford, or survive so much healthcare?
There are three kinds of healthcare: traditional medicine, alternative medicine, and complementary medicine. Complementary medicine (integrative medicine) combines traditional medicine with alternative medicine. All three kinds of healthcare use drugs.
Traditional medicine uses prescription drugs, such as antibiotics, tranquilizers, vaccines, and chemotherapy. Alternative medicine uses over-the-counter drugs, such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, and enzymes. Complementary medicine uses both prescription and over-the-counter drugs. So all healthcare uses drugs, and patients have no real alternatives.
Drugs are a mixed blessing. They prolong life, but they also shorten it. This is because drugs are toxins and addictions that fool and block our body's biochemistry. This is why drugs have so many serious side effects and adverse reactions. In contrast, nutritious food, which is free of toxins and addictions, fuels and builds our body’s biochemistry. This is why food is live medicine, but medicine is dead food. So healthcare needs self-care.
Regulation is dissimulation with covert compensation. For example, Big Pharma, the pell-mell pill mill, is "regulated" by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). But in fact, CDC, FDA, and NIH coordinate Big Pharma's pricey, perilous polypharmacy, which lubricates lucrative revolving doors for CDC, FDA, and NIH with Big Pharma - the king of kickbacks and queen of quacks.