Religions are based on scripture, which is mostly poetry. So it only makes sense that religious conflict must be resolved through poetry, and not through politics, negotiation, or war. I propose that all religious conflicts be redefined poetically, so that they can be resolved without bloodshed, winners, or losers. So let's sharpen our words, not our swords; send missives, not missiles; and apply our minds to metaphor, simile, rhyme, meter, and prosody, but not pomposity, animosity, ferocity, atrocity, or monstrosity.

- Hugh Mann

“This is truly a masterpiece! Equivalent to a book of philosophy, of wisdom.”
- PhD in Political Science - Professor - Iran & U.S.

“I totally agree with this, and have taken the liberty of passing this along to my staff, and one of my colleagues who has worked on various statements for the American Library Association on religious and political topics. It's brilliant!”
- Director - American Library Association - U.S.

“Brilliant and poetic idea! Thanks!”
- PhD in Political Science - Professor - Tunisia & U.S.

“You're right. By the way, life has taught me a lot, among other things, to create a distance between myself and religion. I see in poetry more hope and peace than in religion.”
- PhD in Literature - Professor - Iraq

“The Mayor thanks you for sending us your positive and uplifting idea on how to resolve religious conflict. If only it could work your way - what a different world we could have!!”
- Mayor's Office - Israel

“Thanks for your note. Well, however we approach conflict, current approaches don’t seem to be working, so why not give poetry a shot! When I first started to visit Pakistan, I met with young militants, all children, who were indoctrinated into the Pakistan Taliban. They would sit and recite poems all evening long - poems about their history, about their experiences, and about the abusive treatment they would receive at the hands of their captors. Poetry played an equally important role in their rehabilitation, and they would incorporate various themes into poetry which would change as their treatment and recovery progressed.”
-  Journalist - U.S. and Pakistan

“Bonsoir, Comme vous avez raison...(désolé mais je ne pratique que le français).”
- Webmaster - Palestine Solidarity - France

“Your poem brought a smile to a very busy day. Thank you!”
- Rabbi - Institute for Jewish Spirituality - U.S.

“Thank you for your email outlining your personal definition of religion and poetry.  It is a peaceful and heartwarming vision which I will pass on to the Executive for their information.”
- Jews for Justice for Palestinians - U.S.

sounds good
wish we would
hope we can
you the man
- author, activist, journalist, and radio host - U.S.

“Beautifully said!”
- Navy Captain - U.S.

“Thank you for sharing this - your words are truly stunning and I love what you are creating! Peace poetry is stunning, please join us in our online community so I can share your words on our platforms.”
- Feminist Organization - U.S.

“I am a devotee to poetry. If you know anything about Somalis it is we are an oral people who use poetry at birth, at marriage, and at death. I am a lover of Rumi.”
- Cartoonist - Somalia