Fifty-year-old Simon had a four-year history of pimples and boils on his chest. His dermatologist diagnosed it as severe pustular acne and treated it with vitamin A and antibiotics. Simon's acne was resistant to all treatment and caused him great pain and embarrassment. When I interviewed Simon, I learned that his acne began shortly after he started wearing a gold medallion on a gold neck chain. I suspected that Simon's acne was a reaction to gold and advised him to stop wearing jewelry. I also advised Simon to give up all addictive substances and to follow my LOVE Diet. Gradually, Simon's chest healed and his overall health improved.

Sixty-three-year-old Oscar was a popular radio talk show host who worried about his voice. His voice coach sent him to an herbalist who recommended chamomile tea and honey. Every day, Oscar drank a quart of chamomile tea with three tablespoons of honey. But he became irritable and angry with his callers on the radio. When I met Oscar, I explained to him that the chamomile and honey were making him irritable and angry. He was a great believer in herbal tea and resisted my analysis. Nevertheless, he reluctantly agreed to give up the herbal tea and honey. To his great surprise, Oscar's mood improved quickly and dramatically. I told Oscar that his voice is a reflection of his health, and that the best way to take care of his health is to follow the LOVE Diet.

Fifty-five-year-old Richard was addicted to prescription pain medicine, which began with back surgery for a sports injury. I reviewed Richard's medical records and told him that he was using his back pain as an excuse for his addiction. Like many people, Richard became addicted to pain medicine without realizing what was happening. I told Richard that habitual use of pain medicine is dangerous, and that it can ruin physical health, emotional health, and relationships. In addition to the pain medicine, Richard had a poor diet, ate a lot of sweets, drank coffee, and smoked a pipe. I explained that sweets, caffeine, and tobacco reinforce addiction to pain medicine, and that in order to be addiction free, all addictive substances must be eliminated. Together, Richard and I mapped out a program based on my LOVE Diet, which included home-cooking, stretching and exercise. After several months of my support and guidance, Richard conquered his addiction to pain medicine and resumed a physically active lifestyle.

Forty-four-year-old Tony developed AIDS five years after becoming HIV-positive. His symptoms included fever, nightsweats, pneumonia, diarrhea, and weight loss. Despite receiving all available antiretroviral medications, his condition deteriorated. When I met Tony, he bombarded me with his knowledge of AIDS. He talked about viral load, CD4 count, CD4:CD8 ratio, protease inhibitors, and reverse transcriptase inhibitors. I commented that it must be very frustrating to know so much about a disease, but to be unable to cure it. Tony began crying and told me that he was ashamed of his disease and afraid to die. I sympathized with Tony and told him that I've also had health problems. I asked him about his diet and learned that he ate a lot of meat, but no fruits, vegetables, and grains. His favorite beverage was cola, and his favorite snack was spicy corn chips. I advised Tony to follow my LOVE Diet and give up meat, cola, and corn chips. He agreed and promised to call me in a month. The next time I spoke to Tony, he sounded much better. He told me that his symptoms had decreased, and that his viral load and CD4 count had improved. He added that his doctors were surprised that dietary changes could affect symptoms of AIDS.

Thirty-seven-year-old Frank had a bad temper and frequently got into arguments with family, friends, and employers. Frank had a long history of alcoholism and smoking. When I questioned Frank about his alcohol and tobacco, he became so hostile and insulting that my assistant stood outside the room, in case Frank attacked me. Nevertheless, I sensed that under his hostility, Frank was suffering and had a good heart. I encouraged Frank to follow my LOVE Diet and treated him with respect and friendship. After several months, Frank gave up alcohol and tobacco, and his anger disappeared. He went from a snarling lion to a gentle pussycat.

Forty-six-year-old Pedro developed panic attacks two days after he stopped drinking his daily six-pack of beer. I told Pedro that his panic attacks were caused by alcohol withdrawal, and that he needed to be monitored by his family physician, in case he developed alcoholic hallucinosis or delirium tremens. I advised Pedro to follow my LOVE Diet and avoid all addictive substances, such as tobacco, sweets, coffee, tea, and cola. Two weeks later, Pedro called me to say that he felt calmer and more in control of his life. I emphasized that my LOVE Diet will continue to improve his health and help him to avoid alcohol in the future.

Sixty-five-year-old Marion was forgetful and confused for several years. Her doctors diagnosed her with Alzheimers and treated her with a standard Alzheimers medication. Marion did not improve with medication, and her family contacted me. I reviewed her diet and found that she ate a lot of potato chips, cola, candy, and chocolate. I asked Marion's family to restrict her intake of junk food and to increase her intake of whole grains, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Within one month, Marion's mental status improved. She interacted with her family and surprised her doctors.

Twenty-year-old Sarah went on a fad diet and started losing weight. After she lost 20 lbs., her family contacted me. I interviewed Sarah and found that she had anorexia and a poor self-image. She also had feelings of fear and disgust about food. I reassured her that her problems are not unique, and that many people are ambivalent about food. I encouraged her to read my website and follow my LOVE Diet. After following my advice, her attitude about food improved. She gave up her fad diet, regained her proper weight, and overcame her eating disorder.

Sixty-year-old David had a long history of recurrent aphthous ulcers that affected his tongue, gums, and tonsils. The ulcers were extremely painful and often produced systemic symptoms of fever, stiff joints, and sore muscles. David's physician treated the ulcers with steroids and topical anesthetics, neither of which really helped. When I interviewed David, he told me that he lived in fear of the ulcers, because they made it difficult for him to eat or speak. I asked David about his teeth and learned that he had a lot of silver fillings and metal crowns. I suggested that the ulcers might be caused by the metal in his mouth, and advised him to speak to his dentist about replacing the metal dental work with non-metal materials. After David replaced his silver fillings with composite, the ulcers improved, but didn't disappear. After David replaced his metal crowns with porcelain, the ulcers completely disappeared. David's dentist refused to believe that the metal in his mouth had caused so many years of such intense suffering. But David and I knew otherwise.

Thirty-four-year-old Janice had a ten-year history of asthmatic bronchitis. Her condition was resistant to the standard therapies of inhalers, antibiotics, and steroids. When I met Janice, she was coughing, wheezing, and short of breath. I asked her about potential allergens in her home and learned that her home was loaded with allergens, including two cats, a dog, carpeting, and drapes. I also learned that Janice's boyfriend, Brett, was a smoker and didn't help her with housekeeping. I told Janice that the allergens in her house were aggravating her asthma and had to be removed. Janice told me that she felt too sick to make any changes in her home or her life. I arranged to meet with Brett and explained that it was necessary to remove all allergens from her home, including his tobacco smoke. Brett said that he loved Janice and would do whatever he could to help her. As the allergens were removed from Janice's home, her asthma gradually improved.

Thirty-one-year-old Judith was an elementary school teacher who was in good health, except for chronic athlete's foot. Judith consulted podiatrists and physicians who treated her with creams, sprays, and pills. Although Judith cooperated with all this treatment, her athlete's foot persisted. Judith was especially upset about the athlete's foot, because it made her self-conscious about wearing sandals. When I interviewed Judith, she told me that, as a teacher, she spends a lot of time standing. She also told me that she showers every day and washes her feet thoroughly. I asked her if she wears socks or stockings, and how often she changes them. She said that she prefers socks and changes them every day. Then I asked if she washes her socks inside-out. She said no, and that she had never been asked that question before. I told her that our feet sweat a great deal, and that our socks absorb this sweat and accumulate germs, which cannot be removed unless our socks are washed inside-out. Judith seemed very dubious about my theory, but she agreed to give it a try. Two weeks later, Judith called me and said that her athlete's foot was 50% improved. She was still dubious about my theory but agreed to continue washing her socks inside-out. One month later, Judith called me and said that her athlete's foot was gone.

Forty-year-old Max and thirty-eight-year old Becky had been married for 15 years. Max was a factory worker, and Becky was a stay-at-home mom with their twelve-year-old son, Jake. Although Max and Becky loved each other, they argued constantly. To make matters worse, Jake was a constant behavior problem in school and at home. Max and Becky took Jake to a child psychiatrist who diagnosed Jake with Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADHD) and prescribed amphetamines. The amphetamines had to be discontinued because they caused palpitations and insomnia. When I met this family, I asked them to fill out the Health Questionnaire. I was stunned to learn that all three members of this family were so addicted to sweets that their home was like a candy store. They had every imaginable flavor of soda, cola, cookies, cake, ice cream, chocolate, licorice, lollipops, taffy, mints, and chewing gum. At night, after dinner, Max, Becky, and Jake each watched their own TV and gorged on sweets. Of course, Max, Becky, and Jake had no idea that they were addicted to sweets, and that the sweets were responsible for their arguments. They also had no idea that they were addicted to TV and were not really relating to each other. I convinced them to get rid of their sweets and put their TVs in storage. They promised to improve their diets and spend more time talking to each other. When I saw this family one month later, they were happy, healthy, and congenial. I urged them to continue with the LOVE Diet and not return to sweets and TV.

Fifty-year-old Leo and forty-seven-year-old Sylvia were desperate to help their nineteen-year-old autistic son, Peter. Leo and Sylvia tried everything: special education, behavior therapy, speech therapy, tranquilizers, vitamins, and minerals. But nothing seemed to help. When I met Leo, Sylvia, and Peter, I was struck by the great tragedy of autism. Peter understood that his parents loved him, but he was unable to return their love. Peter spent most of his time at home watching TV or playing with the computer. Leo and Sylvia were his only regular contacts, and mealtimes were his only social activity. Nevertheless, I sensed that Peter was lonely and wanted to reach out. I reviewed his Health Questionnaire and learned that Peter loved cola and chocolate. I also learned that Peter had been a problem eater since infancy, and rarely ate fruits or vegetables. I suggested that Peter's autism might respond to dietary changes and created a Personal LOVE Diet for him. I encouraged Leo and Sylvia to include Peter in all food shopping and cooking. As Peter learned to shop and cook, he developed an interest in nutrition and changed his diet. Gradually, Peter became less autistic and more emotional and interactive. The last time I spoke with Leo and Sylvia, they told me that Peter wants to go to cooking school and learn to become a chef.

Fifty-eight-year-old Colette was a talented actress and singer with a long history of bipolar disorder. Colette's psychiatrists treated her with lithium, antidepressants, and antipsychotics. But Colette's moods never stabilized, and her life was often out of control. She drank, smoked, took drugs, and was married five times. Colette's acting teacher referred her to me. When I met Colette, I felt like a whirlwind had entered the room. She had great charisma and energy. But she was miserable and occasionally suicidal. She told me that she had been this way since childhood, and that her condition was biochemical and hopeless. I told her that nothing is hopeless, and that she can be helped. I asked her to fill out my Health Questionnaire and learned that she was on the HATE Diet. She loved honey, sweets, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, and tea. She also loved meat, which increased her craving for the HATE Diet. She laughed when I told her about the LOVE Diet, but agreed to give it a try. As Colette switched from the HATE Diet to the LOVE Diet, her moods stabilized and her life improved. She told me that even her acting and singing improved.

Sixty-four-year-old Beatrice had a five-year history of anxiety and headaches, which began when her husband died. Beatrice's doctor assumed that her symptoms reflected her mourning process and treated her with antidepressants, which provided no relief. Beatrice also tried homeopathic and naturopathic remedies, but nothing helped. When I met Beatrice, I felt that her anxiety and headaches were physical, and not psychological. Her Health Questionnaire confirmed my hunch. After her husband's death, Beatrice stopped cooking at home and ate out all the time. She tried all the local restaurants, but her favorite was the Chinese restaurant. She loved the tastiness of the food and ate there almost every day. I told Beatrice that her symptoms might be a result of monosodium glutamate (MSG), which is a common ingredient in Chinese food. I explained that she may have Chinese Restaurant Syndrome, in which the MSG causes anxiety, headaches, sweating, numbness, and chest pain. Beatrice agreed to stop eating Chinese food for one month. Within two weeks, her anxiety and headaches disappeared. Although Beatrice felt better, she missed her Chinese food. So I advised her to speak to the chef and ask him to prepare her food without MSG.

Seventy-one-year old Vanessa had chronic fatigue, which her doctor diagnosed as iron deficiency anemia and treated with vitamins and iron supplements. Vanessa's fatigue and anemia did not respond to her doctor's treatment. When I interviewed Vanessa, I learned that she ate frozen dinners, watched a lot of TV, and rarely exercised. Vanessa had never married and felt uncomfortable with the other senior citizens in her condominium. I told Vanessa that her life is important, that she has a lot to offer other people, and that she must become more active. Since Vanessa was a retired math teacher and had a quick mind, I encouraged her to tutor at the local high school. I also advised her to give up TV, learn to cook, and exercise more. Vanessa loved returning to the high school environment, made friends with other teachers, and regained her zest for life.

Forty-seven-year-old Sally was a stockbroker who spent all her free time gambling. She gambled on the internet and went to casinos and race tracks. Eventually, she lost all her money. So she borrowed money from friends and took out loans. But the gambling continued, and she couldn't stop herself. Sally went into therapy and learned that her gambling was an addiction. But the gambling continued, and she still couldn't stop herself. When I met Sally, I noticed that she smoked and talked a lot. When I asked about her diet, she told me that she's always hungry, and that the only way she can control her appetite is with alcohol and tobacco. Then she added that the only way she can control her alcohol and tobacco is with gambling. So Sally was always hungry and never satisfied. I told her that it is normal to be hungry, and that there is no shame in needing to eat. I also told her that alcohol, tobacco, and gambling will never satisfy hunger, and that she must learn to eat properly. I instructed her about the LOVE Diet and encouraged her to replace her addictions with good food. As Sally began eating properly, her craving for alcohol, tobacco, and gambling reduced. Eventually, she gave up her addictions and became a therapist for people suffering with addictions.

Thirty-nine-year-old Brenda was a college professor of literature, whose secret passion was shopping. Brenda was single, and none of her friends realized how much time and money she spent on clothes. Everyone just assumed that she had good taste and knew how to dress. But no one knew that Brenda's single status was a great disappointment to her mother, and that Brenda spent all her time trying to look attractive and find a husband. And no one knew that she also spent all her time exercising, weighing herself, and trying to fit into clothes that were too small for her. In effect, Brenda's compulsive shopping was a symptom of anorexia. She lived on a semi-starvation diet of tea, toast, egg whites, lettuce, low-fat cheese, low-fat peanut butter, and diet pills. When I met Brenda, she looked elegant but gaunt. Although her physical exam was normal, she was below-weight for her height and anemic. I told Brenda that she had anorexia, and that she had to start eating and gain weight. She objected and said that if she gained weight, none of her clothes would fit. I told her that she is more important than her clothes, and that her health is more important than her appearance. She promised to read my website and follow my LOVE Diet. As Brenda began eating, she gained weight, overcame her eating disorder, reclaimed her health, and lost her obsession with clothing.

Thirty-year-old Henry worried about everything. He worried about his health, finances, and relationships. He worried about his past, present, and future. He was never free from worry. Henry realized that his worry was neurotic and consulted many therapists. Despite all kinds of therapy, Henry never stopped worrying. Even worse, his therapeutic failures became new worries. When I met Henry, we analyzed his worries and agreed that most of them involved fear of loneliness, pain, and death. I told Henry that his worries were reasonable, but his obsession with his worries was not. He agreed with me and asked for practical suggestions. I asked him to fill out my Health Questionnaire, so I could evaluate his over-all health. To my surprise, I learned that despite all of Henry's health worries, his diet was terrible. He lived on fast food, junk food, and coffee. Apparently, he was too worried about his health to take any direct responsibility for his health. I suggested that he study my website and start cooking at home. Like a true perfectionist, Henry signed up for cooking classes and bought home-cooking supplies. With his attention to detail, he was a natural chef. His cooking was great, and he received many compliments from his friends and family. As his diet improved, his worrying diminished. Gradually, Henry's focus shifted from sickness and death, to health and life.

Thirty-six-year-old Ben had a long history of constipation. As a child, his mother worried about his bowel movements and often gave him enemas. As an adult, he developed abdominal pain and was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome and spastic colon. His doctors treated him with tranquilizers, fiber, laxatives, lubricants, and suppositories, but nothing really helped. Ben worried about his constipation and made his doctors perform many tests to rule out cancer. When I met Ben, he was in good health, except for worry and constipation. I learned that he had a life-long love affair with sweets, including cola, candy, cookies, and chocolate. I suggested that his constipation and anxiety might be related to sweets. Ben thought this was ridiculous but agreed to humor me and test my theory. As he gave up sweets, his symptoms decreased and his health improved. Eventually, Ben gave up all sweets and finally conquered his constipation and worry.

Twenty-seven-year-old Charlotte was a beautician with a two-year history of dandruff (seborrheic dermatitis) that involved her scalp and face. Charlotte was very embarrassed about her dandruff and worried about losing clients. She consulted several dermatologists who told her that her condition was incurable and could only be controlled with steroids. Charlotte refused to use steroids, and instead tried various home remedies, including tea tree oil. When I met Charlotte, she was worried about her appearance and kept scratching her scalp and face. She told me that the dermatologists said her condition was incurable, and that she would have to live with it for the rest of her life. I reassured her that I had helped other clients with dandruff, and that I could help her. I prepared a Personal LOVE Diet for Charlotte, which included two drops of organic unseasoned vinegar taken orally twice-a-day and one-half teaspoon of organic aloe vera gel applied externally to her face three times a day. Charlotte was a highly motivated client and followed her LOVE Diet religiously. After two weeks, I received a call from Charlotte telling me that her dandruff was about 50% better. I told her to continue her LOVE Diet and to keep me informed. One month later, Charlotte called to say that her dandruff had gone away and her face had a healthy glow.

Seventy-four-year-old Carlos complained of depression, which began after his wife died of cancer. Carlos blamed himself for his wife's years of suffering from chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. I told Carlos about my story and emphasized that medical care is often unpredictable and unsuccessful. I encouraged Carlos to take an active interest in his health and to follow my LOVE Diet. Six months later, Carlos felt better and said that he wished his wife had met me.

Fifty-seven-year-old Esther has high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Esther is on salt and water restriction and many medications. She also has to see many doctors regularly. Not one of her doctors has ever reviewed her diet in detail or made any specific dietary suggestions. When Esther contacted me, she felt helpless, hopeless, and wanted to give up. I reminded her that life is more than just sickness; it is also health. I encouraged her to focus on her health and to take more of an interest in her diet. So I prepared a Personal LOVE Diet for her, which her doctors approved. As Esther began following her Personal LOVE Diet, her condition improved, and her doctors reduced her medication. Esther still has chronic health problems, but she enjoys her life and wants to live.

Sixty-one-year-old Paulette had a lifelong history of dry skin. Her hands and feet had deep, painful cracks that often bled. Her dermatologist prescribed topical ointments and moisturizing lotions that only helped a little. When I interviewed Paulette, I learned that her skin problems prevented her from leading an active life and cooking at home. As a result, Paulette and her husband ate most of their meals at the local diner. I told Paulette that her poor diet was aggravating her skin condition. I encouraged her husband to do the cooking and gave them a Personal LOVE Diet. As their diet improved, Paulette's skin looked better, and she felt better. She began an exercise program, started cooking, and planted a small organic vegetable garden in her backyard.

Forty-three-year-old Iris suffered from fibromyalgia. She had been treated with antidepressants, analgesics, and steroid injections, without any relief. Some of her doctors suggested that her symptoms were psychological, and that she was using them to get attention. It was very clear to me that Iris was physically sick and not imagining anything. I took a detailed history, which revealed that her symptoms began shortly after complicated dental work. I reviewed her dental chart and found that she had several crowns and many silver fillings. I told her that her fibromyalgia might be due to all the metal in her mouth. I referred her to a holistic dentist who carefully replaced her metallic dental work with inert materials. Within one week, Iris felt significantly better and agreed to follow my LOVE Diet. Two months later, Iris regained her health and resumed an active lifestyle.

Thirty-six-year-old Louise had gum disease and was in danger of losing her teeth. Her periodontist wanted to do gum surgery, but Louise's mother was opposed to it. Louise was frightened and confused. She felt that if she lost her teeth, she would lose her looks and her boyfriend, and she didn't know how to save her teeth. Louise's mother found me on the internet and asked for my help. I encouraged Louise to give up sweets, follow my LOVE Diet, and do oral irrigation after every meal. I advised her to speak to her dentist about replacing her silver fillings with composites and to ask her periodontist for a deep cleaning, which is called scaling and root planing. The program of deep cleaning, oral irrigation, and my LOVE Diet improved Louise's gums and made gum surgery unnecessary.

Fifty-one-year-old Dolores suddenly developed palpitations. Since her father died of heart disease, Dolores was terrified of her palpitations. She consulted a cardiologist, who diagnosed the problem as atrial fibrillation, gave her medication, and installed a defibrillator in her chest. Dolores also studied alternative medicine and began shopping in a health food store, which is where I met her. Dolores told me that the cardiologist said that her palpitations were caused by a virus. Dolores emphasized that she was very upset about the defibrillator and hoped that it could be removed. I told Dolores that I could not give her medical advice, but that I would make some dietary suggestions. I learned that Dolores used iodized salt, drank tea, ate yogurt, and took supplements. I advised her to switch to non-iodized salt and to discontinue tea, yogurt, and supplements. In a few weeks, Dolores looked much better. She had a healthy glow, seemed less worried, and reported that her palpitations had stopped.

Twenty-five-year-old Gina was homeless, malnourished, and addicted to alcohol and tobacco. She grew up in a household of junk food, fast food, and no home cooking. Although Gina was intelligent and motivated, she couldn't function in college and had to drop out. After living with a series of girlfriends, she wound up living on the street. Like many homeless people, Gina was thin, exhausted, and depressed. She was so embarrassed about her situation, that she couldn't look me in the eye. I told her that homelessness is not a disgrace, and that it can happen to anyone. I explained that alcohol, tobacco, and junk food were responsible for her failure in college and her homelessness. I arranged for Gina to live with a woman friend of mine who followed my LOVE Diet and avoided all addictive substances. Within three months, Gina's appearance and personality improved dramatically. She got a part-time job, returned to college, and decided to study social work and help other homeless people.

Thirty-five-year-olds Ray and Darlene were married for eight years, but were unable to get pregnant. Their family physician referred them to a fertility specialist who found no physical problems to account for the infertility. The fertility specialist put Darlene on fertility medicine that caused nausea, headache, and breast tenderness, but did not lead to conception. When I met Ray and Darlene, they told me that they were desperate to be parents and were ready to adopt. I advised them to postpone adoption and asked them about their diets. Both of them had full-time jobs, ate mostly fast food, and drank a lot of cola and coffee. I suggested that their poor diet might be responsible for the infertility and advised them to follow my LOVE Diet. They shifted their focus from having a child to having home-cooked meals. Their new interest in food and nutrition gave them improved health and a new common interest. Six months later, Darlene called to say that she was pregnant.

Sixty-eight-year-old Emily complained of chronic insomnia. Her physician prescribed sleeping pills, which only helped for a short time. I reviewed Emily's diet and found that she drank a lot of tea. I told her that the caffeine in tea is keeping her awake. Emily was addicted to tea and had a difficult time giving it up. But when she finally stopped drinking tea, her sleeping improved. Then I taught Emily my SLEEP checklist (see FAQ page).

Thirty-eight-year-old Roger was an avid outdoorsman who developed Lyme disease after camping in the mountains during the summer. At first, Roger thought he had the flu, but he became increasingly sick, so he went to the doctor. A physical exam revealed that Roger had arthritis, encephalitis (brain infection), and myocarditis (heart infection). The doctor suspected Lyme disease, which was confirmed by blood tests. Roger was treated with antibiotics and aspirin, and improved, but never regained his strength or health. When I met Roger, he was frustrated and depressed. He blamed himself for catching Lyme disease and for failing to recover from it. I told Roger that we are all vulnerable to disease, and that recovery requires proper nutrition. I explained my LOVE Diet, and Roger seemed dubious, but agreed to follow it. Roger made steady improvement and eventually regained most of his health.

Fifty-year-old Gwen stopped having periods and started having hot flashes when she was forty-eight. Her gynecologist told her that she was going through menopause, and everything would be OK. But everything was not OK. Gwen developed insomnia, irritability, anxiety, and depression. Her gynecologist gave her hormone replacement therapy, which caused an abnormal mammogram and had to be discontinued. Then her gynecologist referred her to a psychiatrist who gave her antidepressants and sleeping pills, which aggravated her emotional problems. Gwen felt that her mind and body were out-of-control, and that no one could help her. Gwen found me on the internet and contacted me. I took a thorough history and learned that Gwen was very ambitious and hardworking. She dedicated her whole life to success and ignored her own well-being. She exercised relentlessly and pushed herself with coffee and sweets. She rarely ate breakfast and often skipped lunch. I told Gwen that she was sacrificing her health for success, and that it wasn't worth it. I explained to her that menopause is a time of fragility, in which good nutrition and adequate rest are essential. She agreed with me and promised to give up coffee and sweets. She also agreed to follow my LOVE Diet and get adequate rest. Within three months, Gwen became a new person. Her hot flashes and emotional distress decreased, and she became cheerful, relaxed, and more accepting of herself.

Twenty-nine-year-old Anna had a six-year history of migraine headaches accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Before each headache, Anna experienced typical auras, which consisted of seeing flashing lights, having difficulty speaking, and feeling paralyzed. Anna had seen many neurologists and had been on many different medications, with only slight temporary improvements. When I met Anna, she looked thin and depressed. She said that migraines had taken over her life and prevented her from functioning in a normal manner. I asked Anna about her diet and learned that she often skipped meals and depended on dietary supplements. In fact, she spent more money on supplements than on food. I told Anna that she was starving and poisoning herself with supplements. I advised her to stop all supplements and follow my LOVE Diet. Anna resisted my advice and told me that her doctors said that the migraines were unrelated to her diet. I told Anna that if my advice didn't help her, I wouldn't charge her. So she followed my advice, and to her great surprise, her headaches decreased in frequency and severity. As Anna felt better, she was more willing to cooperate with me. She gave up coffee, tea, and sweets and followed all aspects of my LOVE Diet. Eventually, Anna's migraines disappeared.

Forty-five-year-old Lillian had chronic infection on her fingertips and fingernails. Her doctor treated her with minor surgery and antibiotics, but Lillian's infection persisted. When I met Lillian, I commented that she looked as if she had just stepped out of a beauty parlor - her hair, make-up, and nails were gleaming. Lillian was concerned about her appearance and upset about her fingers. I looked at her fingers and noticed that her cuticles were missing. Lillian explained that she trims her cuticles in order to improve the appearance of her fingernails. I explained to Lillian that cuticles waterproof the nails, and that without cuticles, water accumulates under the nail and leads to infection. Lillian was amazed that her doctors had never considered such an obvious cause of her chronic infection. Lillian stopped trimming her cuticles, and the infection resolved.

Forty-eight-year-old Ted was a carpenter who developed pain in both shoulders. Ted's physician referred him to an orthopedist, who diagnosed the problem as osteoarthritis and gave him steroid injections in both shoulders. Then the orthopedist gave Ted pain medicine and scheduled a follow-up visit in one month. At the follow-up visit, Ted's shoulders still hurt, and the orthopedist recommended surgery. Ted refused surgery and lived with chronic pain for years. When Ted contacted me, I asked him to fill out my health questionnaire. I learned that, apart from the shoulder pain, he was in good health and enjoyed life. I also learned that he loves sweets and drinks a lot of soda and coffee. I created a Personal LOVE Diet for Ted with the following recommendations: eliminate sweets, soda, and coffee; do special stretching exercises; eat more fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, nuts, and seeds; and take high-quality wheat germ oil. About two months later, Ted sent me a jubilant email that his shoulders were considerably better.

Seventy-three-year-old Rose was diagnosed with osteoporosis and treated with calcium, phosphorus, fluoride, and estrogen. Despite all this medication, Rose's osteoporosis worsened, and she suffered with constant pain. As a result, she spent a lot of time in bed, which further aggravated her osteoporosis. I was contacted by Rose's son, who feared that he would have to put his mother in a nursing home. I asked him to fill out my Health Questionnaire and learned that Rose had been in good health until her husband died, five years ago. Since that time, Rose lost interest in life, stopped cooking at home, and lived on frozen dinners, cola, and sweets. I suggested that he hire a home-health aide for his mother, so that she could get three home-cooked meals every day. He agreed with me and made the necessary arrangements. I spoke with the home-health aide and made specific recommendations about my LOVE Diet. Rose responded to the home-cooking like a flower responds to sunshine and rain. Her pain decreased, her energy level increased, and she blossomed. Rose started socializing and exercising - she even joined a dance class.

When my father was 88, he was hospitalized for dizziness, which occurred after his medication was increased. In the hospital, he was given more medication which made him confused, frightened, and incoherent. Then the doctors transferred him to a nursing home, where he was dirty, crying, begging people to hold his hand, and listed as DNR (Do Not Resuscitate). I convinced the nursing home staff to take him off all medication and put him on my LOVE Diet. In three days, my father made such a miraculous recovery, that the nurses on the ward didn't recognize him. When I called to speak to my father, he told me that he was bored and looking for a card game.

Twenty-nine-year-old Danny developed panic attacks after his older brother died in a car accident. Danny worried constantly about death and was afraid to leave the house. If he had to go out, he felt short of breath, nauseous, dizzy, and numb. Eventually, Danny quit his job and stayed home full-time. At his parent's insistence, Danny consulted a psychiatrist who prescribed antidepressants and tranquilizers, which made him feel worse. The psychiatrist referred Danny to a psychologist, who told Danny that he had survivor's guilt. This analysis sent Danny into a tailspin of depression. Instead of returning to the psychiatrist, Danny called me. We talked about his family, especially his older brother. He told me that he idolized his brother and misses him. He brought me photos of his brother, which we used to make a montage. We also visited his brother's grave and had a private ceremony. On the way back from the cemetery, we went to a restaurant and had lunch. I noticed that Danny drank four diet colas, and I commented about it. He told me that he and his family have been drinking diet cola for many years. He added that his mother is very weight conscious and uses a lot of artificial sweeteners. I told Danny that artificial sweeteners and cola are addictive and toxic, and urged him to give them up. After Danny went through a difficult withdrawal process, he emerged stronger and healthier, without any further panic attacks.

Twenty-four-year-old Charles developed paranoia after he flunked out of college. Charles blamed his academic failure on his teachers and fellow-students. He felt that everyone at the college was jealous of his intelligence, and that he couldn't trust anyone. He withdrew from his friends and family, spent a lot of time alone, and studied martial arts. He refused to see a therapist but agreed to talk to me. I sympathized with Charles about college and asked about his plans. He said that he wanted to become a police officer or a soldier. I told him that these professions require health and endurance, and suggested that he might benefit from my LOVE Diet. Although Charles was suspicious of me, he reluctantly agreed to consider my diet. As we got to know each other, he trusted me more and eventually followed some of my health advice. One day, Charles told me that he started using marijuana in college. I told him that marijuana makes people paranoid and confused, and urged him to discontinue it. As Charles gave up marijuana and followed my health advice, his personality changed. He became open, trusting, and communicative. After several months, Charles returned to college and reconciled with his friends and family.

Fifty-nine-year-old Juan developed Parkinson's disease when he was 56. Juan's family physician referred him to a neurologist who prescribed various anti-Parkinson medications. These medications decreased Juan's tremor and rigidity but caused distressing side-effects, such as dizziness, nightmares, and hallucinations. Then the neurologist prescribed antipsychotic medication, which aggravated the Parkinson's. After three years of unsuccessful therapy, his doctors suggested brain surgery. At that point, Juan decided to look for alternative treatments. When I met Juan, I examined him and confirmed the diagnosis of Parkinson's. Then I questioned him about his diet and lifestyle. He said that layoffs in the computer industry had forced him to take early retirement at the age of 55. As a result of his retirement, he felt that his life was over. He was embarrassed about being unemployed and rarely left the house. Instead, he stayed home, watched TV, and lived on hamburgers, hotdogs, candy, soda, and beer. I told Juan that his retirement was not his fault, and that he had nothing to feel embarrassed about. I also told him that his poor diet and passive lifestyle were killing him. Juan was an ideal patient - cooperative, motivated, and responsible. In addition to following the LOVE Diet, he started an exercise program and networked with other unemployed computer engineers. As Juan's diet and lifestyle improved, his Parkinson's dramatically improved, and his doctors were amazed.

Twenty-seven-year-old Michael collapsed and was taken by ambulance to the hospital. He was diagnosed with pneumonia, gastric ulcer, and exhaustion. His doctor scheduled him for endoscopy and an upper GI series. Michael doesn't have health insurance, doesn't like doctors, and signed out of the hospital AMA (Against Medical Advice). He went home and called me. I advised him to quit smoking and follow my LOVE Diet. In one week, he was back at work, feeling great.

Seventy-five-year-old Herman and seventy-two-year-old Minniedeveloped post-traumatic stress disorder after they were mugged while exiting a movie theatre. Herman had insomnia and fits of anger, while Minnie had nightmares and hyperventilation. Minnie wanted to see a therapist, but Herman refused. After some coaxing, Herman agreed to see me, as long as there was no psychotherapy or tranquilizers. When I met Herman and Minnie, their PTSD was obvious. Herman was angry and defensive, while Minnie was fearful and timid. I sympathized with them and asked them to fill out my Health Questionnaire. I learned that Herman smoked cigars and drank whiskey, while Minnie ate candy and drank soda. I explained to them that their diets were perpetuating their symptoms and preventing them from dealing with their PTSD. I advised them to change their diets and follow a regular exercise program, including stretching. Herman was resistant to my advice, but reluctantly agreed to give it a try. In contrast, Minnie was appreciative and compliant. When Herman and Minnie returned in one month, they were much improved. Herman was less angry, and Minnie was less fearful. As time went by, Herman and Minnie recovered from their PTSD and resumed their normal lives.

Sixty-two-year-old Alan had been diagnosed with prostate cancer. His physicians recommended surgery and radiation, but he wanted to explore alternative therapies. Alan tried vitamins, homeopathy, and naturopathy without much benefit. When I interviewed him, I learned that he loved candy and soda, but didn't drink much water. I told Alan's wife that she needed to help him change his diet. She said that she loved him and would try anything that might help. I took a detailed inventory of both their diets and prepared a family LOVE Diet. She threw out his junk food and began shopping at a health food store. She also made sure that Alan drank plenty of good bottled water. Within one month, Alan's urinary symptoms decreased. At his next check-up with his urologist, Alan's urinalysis and physical exam showed improvement, and the urologist agreed to postpone surgery. When I saw Alan and his wife again, they told me that their new diet rejuvenated their health and their relationship.

Molly is a 53-year-old nurse, with a lifelong history of rheumatoid arthritis. She's been on all the standard medications and has been taking very expensive, experimental injections for a year. During a recent flare-up of her arthritis, she called me for help and started my LOVE Diet. Molly's improvement was so rapid and dramatic, that she found it hard to believe it came from following some simple suggestions. Coincidentally, her HMO no longer wants to pay for her experimental injections, but she feels that she can live without them.

Sixty-seven-year-old Stuart was a retired accountant with severe dental pain. Stuart's dentist diagnosed the problem as root canals and referred him to an endodontist. The endodontist told Stuart that he needed four root canals at a cost of $1,000 each. As an accountant, Stuart was more upset about the cost than anything else. So he decided to look for alternatives. Eventually, he found me and filled out my Health Questionnaire. When I reviewed his Health Questionnaire, I realized that Stuart's life and health had deteriorated as a result of his retirement. Instead of being active and busy, he had become lethargic and depressed. In addition, he had stopped eating properly and lost weight. I explained to Stuart that his dental problems were caused by malnutrition and lack of exercise. I created a Personal LOVE Diet for him and encouraged him to work part-time. As Stuart resumed his profession, ate better, exercised, and gained weight, his dental problems and root canals disappeared. Although Stuart was grateful for his improved health, he was most excited about saving $4,000.

Thirty-eight-year-old Bridget had chronic paranoid schizophrenia and multiple psychiatric hospitalizations. She was first hospitalized at the age of seventeen, when she attempted suicide after a failed romance. In the course of her hospitalizations, she received group therapy, individual therapy, antidepressants, antipsychotic medication, and electroshock treatments. Despite all this therapy, her condition deteriorated, and she developed hallucinations and delusions. Bridget's psychiatrist told her family that Bridget might have to spend the rest of her life in a mental hospital. Bridget's brother, Matty, refused to believe that his sister was a hopeless case and brought her to me. When I met Bridget, she acted like someone who had been institutionalized for a long time. She was silent, submissive, afraid of eye-contact, and answered questions in a monotone. But I noticed that she seemed curious about the artwork in my office. When I commented about this, Matty said that Bridget used to paint beautiful watercolors. Bridget blushed and added that she would love to paint again. I suggested that if we could improve her health, she could paint again. I asked Matty and Bridget to fill out my Health Questionnaire, and learned that Bridget had a poor diet and many addictions, including cola, coffee, sweets, and tobacco. Bridget said that she couldn't give up her addictions, because they help her fight the sleepiness caused by her medicines. After some coaxing from Matty and me, she agreed to try giving up her addictions. The next time I saw Bridget, there was a perceptible change in her behavior. She was more talkative, assertive, and emotional. She told me that giving up her addictions was difficult, but she was determined to paint again. I saw Bridget at monthly intervals, and each time, there was improvement. Eventually, she left the hospital and moved to a group home. The last time I saw Bridget, she gave me a beautiful watercolor.

Thirty-year-old Mabel had a six-year history of generalized seizures that began after her first pregnancy. While she was pregnant, Mabel developed high blood pressure, which the doctors treated with medication and bed rest. Three months after Mabel's son, Isaac, was born, Mabel started having seizures, in which she lost consciousness and fell down. Mabel's family physician referred her to a neurologist who performed an EEG and found that Mabel had a slight abnormality of her brain waves. The neurologist treated Mabel with a variety of anti-seizure medications, which reduced her seizures, but caused disturbing side effects, including nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and abnormal blood tests. When I interviewed Mabel, I learned that she had a history of using cocaine. I told Mabel that the cocaine may have caused her high blood pressure and seizures. Mabel reassured me that she was no longer taking cocaine, and that she was trying to take better care of herself. Unfortunately, Mabel's diet included meat, fish, coffee, tea, cola, and sweets. I told Mabel that she was on the HATE Diet, and that she needed to switch to the LOVE Diet. Mabel was very bright and cooperative. Within several months, she began feeling stronger and stopped having seizures. As her neurologist decreased her anti-seizure medication, the side effects of the anti-seizure medication decreased. Mabel was so impressed with the benefits of the LOVE Diet, that she placed Isaac on the LOVE Diet. Isaac has done very well on the LOVE Diet and enjoys helping Mabel cook dinner.

Forty-one-year-old Aaron was a lifelong bodybuilder who had multiple cosmetic surgeries to correct minor flaws. As a child, Aaron was small and thin, and couldn't participate in sports. His father bought him a set of weights and encouraged him to become a bodybuilder. Aaron wanted to please his father, so he worked out with weights and developed a muscular physique. But no matter how muscular he became, Aaron was never satisfied. He was obsessed with clothes and had unnecessary cosmetic surgeries. When Aaron came to see me, he complained about muscle spasms and weakness, which he feared were symptoms of a neuromuscular disease. His physical exam and lab tests were all normal, and I reassured him that he did not have an underlying disease. I told him that his symptoms were due to excessive exercise and a lack of stretching. I explained that his lifelong quest for a perfect body was his way of pleasing his father and protecting the small, thin child that he used to be. Aaron spent less time at the gym and started a yoga class. As he became less muscle-bound, his symptoms went away, and he became more relaxed and emotional. His marriage and family life improved, and he developed a better relationship with his father.

Thirty-two-year-old Vincent complained of headaches, difficulty concentrating, and constipation. His physical exam, x-rays, and blood tests were all normal. When I interviewed Vincent, I learned that he is interested in alternative medicine and takes many supplements, including coral calcium. I told Vincent that although his blood tests were normal, he might have hypercalcemia from his coral calcium supplements. Shortly after Vincent stopped taking all supplements, including coral calcium, his symptoms went away.

Forty-nine-year-old Beth had a long history of earache, sinus headache, and sore throat. She had been on many antibiotics, antihistamines, decongestants, and analgesics, but her problems persisted. I explained to Beth that her ears, sinuses, and throat are all anatomically connected to her nose, and that nasal irrigation will help. I instructed Beth in the technique, but she was afraid of choking on water or aggravating her problems. After a lot of reassurance, Beth experimented with nasal irrigation and eventually mastered the technique. The next time I saw Beth, she told me that nasal irrigation solved her problems and changed her life.

Forty-eight-year-old Rachel is a physician who became sleepless, confused, and depressed six months after placing herself on a popular cholesterol-lowering drug. Rachel had no prior history of medical problems, but was concerned about a slight elevation of her cholesterol on routine blood tests. Rachel attributed her insomnia, confusion, and depression to marital problems. She and her husband saw a marriage counselor who referred Rachel to a psychiatrist for antidepressants. Despite marriage counseling and antidepressants, Rachel's symptoms worsened, and she became acutely suicidal. Her psychiatrist recommended hospitalization, but she refused and contacted me. When I reviewed Rachel's history, I suggested that her symptoms were caused by the cholesterol-lowering drug. Rachel doubted my theory, but agreed to stop taking the drug. Within three days, her insomnia, confusion, and depression disappeared. But Rachel remained skeptical of my theory and began taking the drug again. Within one month, her symptoms returned. Once again, I told her that her symptoms were due to the cholesterol-lowering drug. Once again, Rachel's symptoms disappeared three days after discontinuing the drug. This time, she was convinced that I was right. She never took the drug again, and her symptoms never returned.

Fifty-two-year-old Bruce was a long-time smoker who developed emphysema and bronchitis, which his doctor treated with an inhaler, antibiotics, and steroids. His doctor treated his tobacco addiction with tranquilizers, antidepressants, nicotine patches, and hypnosis. Despite all this therapy, Bruce remained chronically sick and deeply addicted to tobacco. When I met Bruce, he told me that he began smoking as a teenager, quit several times but always relapsed, and currently smokes one pack a day. He emphasized that smoking is his only form of relaxation, and that without tobacco he becomes angry and depressed. I asked Bruce about his diet and learned that he loves home-made waffles smothered with maple syrup. I told Bruce that maple syrup is addictive and asked him about his other addictions. He said that he enjoys vodka, coffee, and chocolate. I told Bruce that he is on my HATE Diet, and that he needs to switch to my LOVE Diet. Bruce argued with me and complained that I was depriving him of his only pleasures. I told him that addiction is not a pleasure, but a sickness that leads to misery and death. Bruce followed my LOVE Diet and slowly gave up each of his addictions. With each successful step, his health and self-esteem improved. One day, Bruce told me that he lost his taste for tobacco and didn't feel like smoking. I congratulated Bruce on his victory over tobacco but cautioned him that in order to remain tobacco-free, he must continue to avoid all addictive substances, no matter how innocent or pleasant they seem.

Nineteen-year-old Andrew had a history of vertigo, nausea, and vomiting, when traveling by car with his parents. Andrew's parents took him to doctors who prescribed anti-nausea medication and tranquilizers, but nothing helped. When I asked Andrew and his parents to fill out my Health Questionnaire, his parents asked me why they had to fill out the questionnaire. I explained that the habits of parents sometimes cause health problems in their children. In fact, the Health Questionnaire of Andrew's father helped to explain Andrew's vertigo, nausea, and vomiting. Andrew's father had a habit of smoking a pipe while driving, and Andrew typically sat in the back seat, behind his father. So when the family went for a drive, Andrew was downwind from his father's pipe smoking. I explained that Andrew's symptoms were caused by tobacco smoke. Andrew's father agreed to stop smoking his pipe, and Andrew's vertigo, nausea, and vomiting ceased.

Forty-four-year-old Rhona was a librarian with a lifelong dream of becoming a writer. As a young girl, she loved to read and write poetry. Rhona's teachers recognized her talent and encouraged her, but they were unable to help her overcome an unhappy home life. As a result of parental neglect, Rhona felt unloved and unworthy. She withdrew from people and lived in a world of books. Without the stimulation and support of a loving family, Rhona was too depressed to write. She was also too depressed to take care of herself and eat correctly. She lost weight and lost interest in life. When I met Rhona, I was struck by her intelligence, frustration, and loneliness. I forged a bond with her by talking about poetry. She told me about her favorite poets and showed me some of her poems. I admired her poems and encouraged her to write more. She explained that she can no longer write because of writer's block. I suggested that her writer's block was due, in part, to malnutrition and dehydration. Rhona reluctantly agreed to follow my LOVE Diet, but predicted that she would never write again. To Rhona's surprise, as she regained her health, she also regained her ability to write. Eventually, Rhona wrote some great poems, got published, and came out of her shell. Now Rhona teaches poetry at a community college and tells her students, "If your body is fed, your writing will be read."