Why do you say that addiction is very common in the Middle East?
Addiction is very common in the Middle East, because the Middle East is mostly a desert, in which food and water are often in short supply. Here are some articles that document the prevalence and importance of addictive substances in the Middle Eastern diet. The last article is a poignant lesson about the power of kindness. Click on each title.
1) "Biden Promises Foreign Policy Shifts" - NPR Morning Edition - U.S. General David Petraeus states, "First and foremost, our forces and those of our Afghan partners have to strive to secure and serve the population. We have to recognize that the Afghan people are the decisive terrain. A nuanced appreciation of local situations is essential. This requires listening and being respectful of local elders and mullahs. And it also requires, of course, many cups of tea."
2) "Iraq's Best And Brightest Are Among The First Targeted By A Growing Resistance" - Newsweek - "I liked [Faris Assam] the moment I met him. He was a technocrat, not a politician, an engineer whose confidence and competence helped him rise quickly under the occupation administration to be deputy mayor of the Iraqi capital...On Sunday evening, just hours after Assam got back home, he went to a crowded cafe to drink tea, play dominos and smoke a water-pipe with his friends."
3) "Honey, I Love You" - Faik Nasser - "To the ancient people, honey was seen as a symbol of wealth and happiness. It was associated with strength, beauty and longevity. Even the Biblical Promised Land was described as the Land flowing with Milk and Honey."
4) "The Merits of Honey" - Verity, An Islamic Resource - "God Almighty has informed us that there is a special ability in honey to heal and cure diseases."
5) "Middle East Sweet on U.S. Honey" - AgExporter - "In 2000, the United States exported 1,861 tons of honey to the Middle East, a slight increase over the 1,724 tons in sold 1999. That volume accounts for 36 percent of the total U.S. honey sold overseas. Honey is an important staple in Yemen; a survey conducted by the Honey Board found that 30 percent of the respondents eat honey every day. Moreover, 37 percent ate honey two to three times a week. In 2000, Yemen imported 488 tons of the amber fluid from the United States."
6) "Little Iraq" - The New Yorker - "We...drank warm, thick coffee in a fast-food restaurant full of Jordanian families eating fried chicken and drinking Pepsi...I sat with a group of Iraqis who were smoking and drinking sweet tea...I left, my hands full of sweets pressed on me by the Imam."
7) "Coffee Legends" - National Geographic - "Coffee as we know it kicked off in Arabia, where roasted beans were first brewed around A.D. 1000. By the 13th century Muslims were drinking coffee religiously."
8) "Arabian Coffee (Coffee with Ground Cardamom)" - Shalam.org - "If you think Coke is the taste of life, then you certainly haven't tried Arabian Coffee. This kind of coffee is widely spread in the Middle East and more specifically amongst Palestinians. Back home, it is the drink of every occasion..."
9) "Mecca Cola Challenges U.S. Rival" - BBC News - "Mr. Mathlouthi says that two million bottles, each holding 1.5 litres, have already been sold and the demand for advance orders has been phenomenal."
10) "Cola" - The Journal of the American Botanical Council - "[Cola] has been traded [from West Africa] to other countries since at least the fourteenth century and it is used particularly by Islamic people..."
11) "Water-pipe tobacco smoking in Israel" - Harefuah Journal - "Tobacco smoking via a water-pipe (Nargile) is a new phenomena among school children in Israel in recent years."
12) "The Editor's Desk" - Newsweek - "In 1987, Arafat was living in Iraq, in one of Saddam Hussein's villas, and received Chris over a breakfast of cornflakes covered with tea and honey."
13) "The Agent" The New Yorker - "[Abu Jandal] seemed to enjoy drinking tea and lecturing the Americans on the radical Islamist view of history..."
14) "Forcefeeding Peace To The Middle East" - The Toronto Sun - "Most Arab leaders live on a lethal diet of syrup-sweet coffee, cigarettes, fatty food, candy, fear and adrenalin."
15) "Water for Israel tops former ambassador's agenda" - The Jewish News Weekly of North California - "The former Israeli ambassador to England and Australia believes water is the key to self-reliance, peace and stability in the Middle East."
16) "The Agent" - The New Yorker - Soufan walked directly toward [the Yemeni soldiers], carrying a bottle of water as the guns followed him. It was a hundred and ten degrees outside.
“You look thirsty,” Soufan said, in Arabic, to the officer with the walkie-talkie. He handed him the bottle.
“Is it American water?” the officer asked.
Soufan assured him that it was, adding that he had American water for the other soldiers as well. The Yemenis considered the water such a precious commodity that some would not drink it. With this simple act of friendship, the soldiers lowered their weapons.

Some health experts recommend moderate amounts or the "responsible use" of chocolate, cola, coffee, tea, and red wine. What do you think of the responsible use of alcohol and other addictive substances?
The "responsible use" of alcohol and other addictive substances is an impossibility. Even moderate amounts of addictive substances do not belong in our diet. They inevitably take over our lives and undermine our health. Beware of "health experts" who recommend addictive substances. They are either misinformed or dishonest. The only people who benefit from addictive substances are the companies that sell them, and the "health experts" who promote them and then treat the inevitable abuse.

Why do you say that terrorism is connected to addiction?
Most terrorists are thin, malnourished, dehydrated, and addicted to nicotine, caffeine, sweets, and drugs; all of which leads to insatiable cravings, frustration, anger, and violence. Here are some articles that document the connection between terrorism and addiction. Click on each title.
1) "Al Qaeda - Trade in Honey" - The New York Times - "American officials say they have evidence that Osama bin Laden is using a network of shops that sell honey - a staple of Middle Eastern life since biblical times - to generate income and secretly move weapons, drugs and agents throughout Al Qaeda, his terrorist network."
2) "The Battle For Lebanon" - The New Yorker - "...a Hezbollah strategist puffed on a cigar and spooned up a dish of ice cream."
3) "Meth Given to Suicide Bombers" - Circling the Lion's Den - "The men who train suicide bombers in Pakistan are using powerful drugs to create the right psychological state of mind needed by their charges to kill themselves, according to reports from Peshawar. One article, published today in The Tribune Express, says the drug given to suicide bombers is methamphetamine, known locally under the name Pervitin."
4) "What goes into the making of a suicide bomber" - The Express Tribune - "Children who are trained as suicide bombers are injected with drugs to create an elated sense of the self. Once the effect of the drug wears off, the bomber is incapable of detonating himself,” says Nadeem.
5) "Mohammed Atta" - Break for News - Mohammed Atta (one of the 9-11 bombers) "...was a heavy drinker, snorted coke..."

What are adverse drug reactions?
The pharmaceutical industry spends a fortune promoting drugs and concealing adverse drug reactions (ADRs), some of which are disabling and even lethal. As America's most visible doctor, the Surgeon General should conduct a media campaign to more fully educate physicians, nurses, and the public about ADRs. This campaign should ensure that all pharmaceutical commercials on TV and radio discuss ADRs slowly and clearly, instead of the usual breakneck speed, so that everyone understands that drugs are not candy or cure-alls and can be dangerous.

As an animal rights activist, I oppose your recommendation that people eat milk and eggs. Aren't you concerned about the suffering of animals on farms?
I'm painfully aware of the abysmal conditions on many farms, which are nothing more than cramped filthy factories where animals are constantly suffering. These operations are a disgrace and should be banned. But we cannot equate the suffering of animals with the suffering of people. Our health requires milk, cheese, and eggs, which means that we must rely on cows and chickens. However, we must also respect these animals and protect them from unnecessary suffering. I believe that most organic farmers respect life and will minimize any harm to the land and animals.

What are aphthous ulcers, and what causes them?
Aphthous ulcers (aphthae) are recurrent, exquisitely painful oral ulcers that can literally dominate and ruin a person's life. Aphthae affect the entire mucosal surface of the mouth, including the lips and tongue, and can be so painful that speaking and eating are difficult, and sufferers must resort to topical anesthetics. As a physician and former aphthous sufferer, I offer the following checklist of causative and aggravating factors:
A - Amalgams and metal dental work.
P - Poor oral hygiene.
H - Hot spices, such as pepper, cayenne, and cinnamon.
T - Trauma, such as biting your lip, tongue, or cheek.
H - Hunger, especially skipping meals.
A - Addictive substances (alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, sweets).
E - Exhaustion, stress, and anxiety.

What is autism and what causes it?
Autism is a mysterious catastrophic neuropsychiatric disorder, in which apparently normal children suddenly and inexplicably become abnormal, by avoiding eye contact and human relationships. The undiscovered cause of autism is perhaps today's greatest medical mystery. Nevertheless, this mystery has curiously received short shrift from the medical community, which seems all too eager to dismiss the vaccine theory of causation and those who subscribe to it. I propose that the vaccine theory has not been disproved, and until a definitive cause has been determined, vaccines must be considered suspect, regardless of findings by scientific studies or courts of law. Let's redouble our efforts to study autism and keep an open mind about all possibilities, including vaccines.

Do you recommend bee products? What is honey? What is bee pollen? What is royal jelly?
I advise against all bee products, including honey, pollen, royal jelly, and venom. Nectar is sugar water that flowers produce, in order to attract bees, so that bees will collect pollen and pollinate plants. Honey is nectar that bees collect, swallow, digest, regurgitate, and store; so honey is concentrated sugar and highly addictive. Bee pollen, which can be allergenic, is the pollen that bees collect from flowers. Royal jelly, which can be allergenic, is bee saliva that helps to produce queen bees. Venom is concentrated poison and highly toxic. We need bees for their pollination, but we do not need their products. The best thing we can do with bees is to leave them alone.

Why do you advise against canned food? Is frozen food better? 
Canned food is unsafe, because the food absorbs metal from the can. Even small amounts of metal in our food can make us sick. Some manufacturers line the inside of cans with enamel to prevent metallic contamination of the food. This is an improvement, but it still does not guarantee the safety of canned food. In order to be safe, I recommend avoiding all canned food. As an alternative, I recommend frozen food, which I have found to be safe and tasty.

I've read that cheese has saturated fat and causes hardening of the arteries. Why do you recommend it?
Cheese is a miracle. It concentrates the nutrition of milk in a safe, delicious form. I can't imagine a day without cheese. Even die-hard vegans who don't drink milk, often cheat by eating cheese. I specifically recommend organic whole milk cheese. My favorites are cheddar, swiss, mozzarella, parmesan, feta, and ricotta. To those who are afraid of cheese, I would paraphrase John Lennon: Give cheese a chance.

I love chocolate. Do you recommend organic chocolate?
I'm not surprised that you love chocolate. I've never met anyone who doesn't love chocolate. Frankly, I love chocolate. The Latin name for chocolate is "Theobroma," which means "food of the gods." Apparently, even the gods love chocolate. We love chocolate, because it helps us to love and feel loved. This is why chocolate is synonymous with Valentine's Day, the holiday of love.

Unfortunately, chocolate is extremely addictive and harmful, regardless of whether the chocolate is organic or not. When I discovered the LOVE Diet, I finally solved my craving for chocolate. The LOVE Diet will do the same for you. The LOVE Diet will enable you to love yourself and others without the artificial stimulation of chocolate.

There are so many different diets out there. How do I know which one is right?
The field of nutrition is a lot like religion. There are many different conflicting beliefs. Try not to be overwhelmed by dogma, jargon, or testimonials. Use your common sense, and carefully test the different diets. Eventually, you will know what's true.

Is cola addictive? Is diet cola better than regular cola?
All cola drinks are very addictive, regardless of whether they are sweetened with sugar or artificial sweeteners. It's tragic that so many people are addicted to cola drinks and believe the misleading advertising of the cola industry. How ironic that such a harmful beverage is associated with vitality and enjoyment. The beverage industry is a rogues' gallery of toxic, addictive substances: cola, soda, coffee, tea, and alcohol. These beverages are responsible for a lot of sickness and suffering.

Why are contact sports so popular? Do you recommend them?
Contact sports (such as boxing, hockey, rugby, and American football) are parodies of manhood, and atavistic, anachronistic, sadomasochistic, barbaric bacchanalia, which create the euphoria of victory, machismo, and fun, and the sickness of injury, disability, and pain. The euphoria of victory, machismo, and fun, and the sickness of injury, disability, and pain, are polar opposites, which reinforce each other: the euphoria blinds you to the sickness; and the sickness makes you crave the euphoria. Ironically, contact sports create and aggravate the very sickness they seem to cure.

What should I do if I can't afford organic food?
Organic food costs more than regular food. This means that you have to economize in other areas. First, eliminate all junk food and addictive substances, both of which are very expensive. Second, stop eating out, and learn to cook at home. Third, compare the cost and quality of produce at health food stores, farmers' markets, and cooperatives. Try to meet local organic farmers, because they can provide you with fresh, inexpensive produce and advice about home gardens and composting. These changes will help to compensate for the higher cost of organic food. If you invest in good food and water, you will be rewarded with good health.

What are cuticles? Should I trim them?
The cuticle is the dead skin at the base of the nail, which seals and waterproofs the nail bed. If the seal is broken, the nail bed becomes damp and provides an environment for bacteria, fungi, and infection. The best thing that we can do with cuticles is to leave them alone, and allow them to serve their natural protective function. Although nails are considered objects of beauty, it's important that all manicures and pedicures avoid the cuticles.

Do you recommend bicycles for transportation and exercise?
Cycling is a mixed blessing. It provides us with nonpolluting transportation and aerobic exercise, but it also exposes us to injury from careless motorists and unergonomic bicycle seats. These seats compress delicate neurovascular structures in the perineum, which can result in loss of libido and impotence. Fortunately, engineers are now designing safer, ergonomic bicycle seats that protect the perineum. Like everything else in life, cycling is not perfect and must be approached with caution.

I miss my coffee. Is it OK to drink decaffeinated coffee?
No. Coffee is decaffeinated with toxic solvents, like methylene chloride and ethyl acetate. In theory, these solvents shouldn't remain after decaffeination, but they often do. Also, decaffeinated coffee still contains caffeine, in varying degrees. If you want a hot drink, try hot apple juice or warm milk - they're delicious.

Are diet and culture related?
Diet and culture are inseparable. Each culture has its own special dietary habits. Some of these habits are good, but some are bad. Unfortunately, the bad habits of addiction often outweigh the good habits of nutrition. The bad habits of addiction undermine the security and progress of a culture. It is important for each culture to study its dietary habits and to distinguish between nutrition and addiction. This will enable each and every culture to fulfill its own unique potential. This will also enable all cultures to live in peace and harmony with each other.

Why is my doctor too busy to talk to me?
Your doctor is avoiding your questions, because he can't answer them. He feels that in order to keep you as a patient, he must convey a sense of wisdom and knowledge that he doesn't really possess. We assume that doctors have all the answers, but they don't. As a matter of fact, doctors have the same problems, questions, and fears as their patients. Ask your doctor to be honest with you about his limitations. If he avoids this question, or acts offended, then you need to find a new doctor.

What is your opinion of drug classification?
Drug classification is a mixed blessing. It draws fine distinctions between the addictive potential of different drugs, but in so doing it tends to minimize the addictive potential of some drugs. Since drug classification is primarily a medico-legal device, and is not intended for the public, I propose that drug classification include prominent caveats for the public that emphasize the very real addictive potential of all drugs, regardless of their classification. In short, drug classification is a distinction without a difference.

Do the elderly need special care?
The elderly need special care, because they are paradoxically frail but sturdy survivors who have not succumbed to life's many perils. So as physicians, we should respect the durability and success of their homeostatic mechanisms and minimize our pharmaceutical interventions. For example, when treating the elderly for dependent ankle edema due to venous incompetence, it is best to avoid diuretics and instead use compression stockings and exercise. This will reduce the likelihood of dehydration, with all its sequelae, including heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Why is exercise important? What is the relationship between exercise and health? What kind of exercise do you recommend?
Exercise is a tonic that tunes up the body. It strengthens organs, refreshes blood, relaxes nerves, and sharpens senses. But exercise must also be safe. So I recommend non-competitive, non-contact, low-impact, aerobic exercise, such as walking, stair-climbing, and swimming. Contact sports (football, soccer), impact sports (running, tennis), and anaerobic sports (weight-lifting) emphasize competition and often lead to injuries. All exercise programs require medical supervision, proper diet, comfortable clothing, warm-up, reasonable levels of exertion, fluid replacement, proper timing (no food an hour and a half before and after exercise), and adequate rest periods. The rest period is important, because it allows the body to recover from exercise. The length of the rest period depends on the type and degree of exercise. For example, short walks can be done every day, but long walks should be done every second or third day. Vigorous exercise, such as stair-climbing, may require even longer rest periods. Regardless of what kind of exercise you choose, don't overdo it. A safe, regular exercise program enhances your health, work, and relationships.

I've read that fish is very healthy. Why do you advise against fish?
The reputation of fish as a health food is based on the fact that fish contains essential fatty acids. However, plants also contain essential fatty acids, and plants are a better source. Good plant sources of essential fatty acids include flax seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, nuts, and avocados. Moreover, the concentration of pollutants in fish negates their nutritional value. In addition to the pollutants, fish is difficult to digest and creates a craving for addictive substances. Eating fish is not only bad for our health, it's also bad for our planet, because fish maintain the vitality of our lakes, rivers, and oceans.

I'm afraid to eat wheat, milk, eggs, and peanuts, because I've read that they cause food allergies. What do you think?
Although food allergy is a real problem, it is often overdiagnosed and misdiagnosed. Sometimes "food allergy" is caused by toxins, pollutants, and indigestion. These problems are often solved by my LOVE Diet, which recommends organic food and promotes healthy digestion. Sometimes "milk allergy" is caused by lactose intolerance or improper refrigeration. Once a milk carton is opened, it is no longer airtight, even if it looks closed. Milk must be transferred to an airtight container. Peanuts and all nuts must be cleaned and roasted before eating. This aids digestion and improves taste. We must learn to eat healthy food in a safe, confident manner.

Do you recommend all fruits and vegetables? Are there any “forbidden fruit?”
There are indeed some forbidden fruit. Some fruits and vegetables are either toxic or addictive, and should be avoided. Here are some examples:
1) Dandelion greens are toxic because they can cause nightmares and even hallucinations. I've noticed this toxic effect with both dandelion greens and dandelion tea. It's important to distinguish between wild greens, such as dandelions, and cultivated greens, such as lettuce, spinach, and kale.
2) Some mushrooms are toxic because they can cause nightmares and even hallucinations. I've noticed this toxic effect with pink oyster mushrooms in particular. It’s best to stick with standard mushrooms, such as shiitake, portobello, and white button.
3) Dates are addictive because they are loaded with sugar. Once you start eating dates, it's hard to stop because dates are like candy. It's interesting to note that the original biblical honey was date honey, not bee honey.
4) Although coconuts are neither toxic nor addictive, coconuts are constipating and should be eaten sparingly.
5) Although dried fruits and vegetables are neither toxic nor addictive, they are constipating and should be reconstituted with water before eating.
6) Cruciferous vegetables are nutritious and delicious, but must be cooked and should not be eaten raw. Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, black radish, turnip, rutabaga, bok choy, and collard greens.
7) Pineapple is nutritious and delicious, but very acidic, and should be eaten in small quantities. A good way to prepare pineapple is to cut a fresh pineapple into chunks and freeze them in freezer bags. Serve the pineapple chunks with a fresh fruit salad.

Is the conflict in the Middle East unique? Do the LOVE and HATE Diets apply to other global conflicts, besides the Middle East?
The conflict in the Middle East is not unique. In a sense, every country is a Land of Milk and Honey, a Land of LOVE and HATE. The LOVE Diet (nutrition) and the HATE Diet (addiction) are important factors in all global conflicts. This is especially true in hotspots like North Korea, Pakistan, Chechnya, Somalia, Yemen, Iran, India, Afghanistan, Haiti, Sudan, Colombia, Burma, and the Congo. Several years ago, when Russia wanted to invade the Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania), I commented that Russia's problems are peristaltic, not Baltic.

The cause of conflict and violence is not your enemy, but your enemy's diet. The cause of conflict and violence is not who, but what. It's time for the United Nations to try a new approach and address the underlying nutritional and biochemical causes of conflict and violence. It's time for some common sense, instead of endless political debates between liberals and conservatives. Liberals believe that enemies are victims and must be appeased. Conservatives believe that enemies are evil and must be killed. I believe that enemies are sick and must be cured. It's more humane to cure your enemies than to kill them.

Do you have any advice about shopping in health food stores?
Health food stores are a mixed blessing. They sell healthful products like fresh produce, milk, cheese, eggs, grains, bread, nuts, and seeds. But they also sell harmful products like yogurt, honey, molasses, candy, vitamins, minerals, naturopathic remedies, homeopathic remedies, processed soy products, and books with bad advice. The best way to evaluate a health food store is to examine the fresh produce, which must be watered and culled frequently. The condition of the fresh produce is the best indication of the store's commitment to the customer's health. Talk to the produce manager, ask questions about the produce, and try to determine the store's commitment to quality products.

What is heavy metal music? Is it safe?
Heavy metal music, a counter-culture witches' brew of cacophony, stimulants, hallucinogens, and neck gyrations, creates the euphoria of oblivion, wisdom, and freedom, and the sickness of deafness, confusion, and whiplash. The euphoria of oblivion, wisdom, and freedom, and the sickness of deafness, confusion, and whiplash are polar opposites, which reinforce each other: the euphoria blinds you to the sickness; and the sickness makes you crave the euphoria. Ironically, heavy metal music creates and aggravates the very sickness it seems to cure.

Why are so many people homeless?
The world is full of homeless people. They live in hospitals, prisons, shelters, shacks, and on the street. We try not to think about these people, because they remind us that our lives are not that secure. We assume that homeless people are derelicts who don't care about themselves, but this is not true. Homeless people are professionals, average people, senior citizens, and runaway teens, who are often helpless to change their situation.

Homelessness is often the end result of malnutrition and addiction. As people become homeless, their diet and their addictions become worse. Homelessness and addiction are a vicious cycle that society can't correct. It's ironic that society promotes the sale of addictive substances but ignores the consequences of addiction. Society must choose between human health and economic health. Society must choose between an economy based on nutrition and health (LOVE Economy), and an economy based on addiction and sickness (HATE Economy).

What is hospice and palliative care? What is the difference between a hospital and a hospice?
Traditional medicine distinguishes between sickness that is curable and sickness that is incurable. A curable sickness is treated in a hospital with curative care; while an incurable sickness is treated in a hospice with palliative care. For example, a curable sickness, such as pneumonia, is treated in a hospital with antibiotics, fluids, and bed rest; while an incurable sickness, such as metastatic cancer, is treated in a hospice with pain medicine and tranquilizers, but no anti-cancer drugs. Curative care is designed to fight sickness, while palliative care is designed to make patients more comfortable. This distinction between curative care and palliative care is somewhat misleading, because both rely on pharmaceuticals, and both ignore the relationship between diet and health. Regardless of whether a sickness is curable or incurable, physicians must promote health and not simply treat symptoms with pharmaceuticals. In my experience, the best way to promote health is to follow the LOVE Diet.

What is jargon, and how can the average person understand it?
Jargon is technical language that uses a lot of Greek and Latin. Some jargon is necessary, but most of it is unnecessary. Every profession has its own jargon, which maintains the mystique and exclusivity of that profession. In college, my chemistry professor told us that scientific jargon helps to keep the profession small. In medical school, I was overwhelmed with jargon. But eventually, I realized that jargon is just a complicated way of saying something simple. In fact, sometimes jargon is a complicated way of covering up ignorance. For example, doctors often describe a disease as idiopathic or agnogenic. These two complicated terms simply mean that the doctor does not know the cause of the disease. If you want to understand jargon, look up the words in a dictionary and study their roots. As you become familiar with these roots, jargon will no longer be a mystery.

I eat a lot of junk food, especially potato chips and corn chips. What should I do?
You are eating chips, because you are hungry for real food, and because you are addicted to the salt, sugar, and oil in chips. Instead of wasting money on convenient junk food, spend less money and more time cooking real food, like potatoes and corn. Switching from junk food to real food will satisfy your hunger and help you to resist other addictions.

I can't stop eating junk food. Do you have any suggestions?
Junk food is a mixed blessing. It provides us with tasty, convenient, low-cost calories; but it also provides us with addictive, unhealthy ingredients like trans fats, monosodium glutamate, sugar, and excess salt and oil. Moreover, it teaches us to be dependent on restaurants and not to cook at home, where we can control the freshness and ingredients of our food. The best way to cure ourselves of junk food addiction is to exchange junk food for real food, by practicing safe home cooking and stocking our kitchen with fresh produce, basic equipment, and interesting cookbooks. Home cooking is "health ensurance."

Milk and cheese give me an upset stomach. Do I have lactose intolerance? What should I do?
Milk contains a sugar called lactose. In order to digest lactose, the body must produce a special enzyme called lactase. If the body doesn't produce enough lactase, the undigested lactose can cause gas, nausea, cramps, and diarrhea. This is lactose intolerance. Certain groups are more prone to lactose intolerance: Blacks, Native Americans, Asians, the elderly, and the sick. If you have lactose intolerance, I recommend that you try these steps:
1) Follow my LOVE Diet and avoid all addictive substances. This will maximize your body's ability to produce lactase.
2) Use organic whole milk and cheese, in order to avoid the antibiotics and hormones in regular milk.
3) Use small amounts of milk and cheese to see if you can avoid the symptoms of lactose intolerance.
4) Use goat milk and goat cheese, because both have less lactose than cow's milk.
5) Use organic lactose-free milk and cheese.
6) Use lactase tablets when you use milk products.

Why do you recommend taking a quarter teaspoon of fresh-squeezed lemon (or lime) juice in a large glass of water every day?
Lemon (or lime) juice is a concentrated form of Vitamin C and a natural antibiotic and antiviral agent. It's important to dilute lemon juice in water, because pure lemon juice is so acidic that it can dissolve the enamel on our teeth. It's also important to avoid taking too much lemon juice, because lemon juice is so acidic that too much can create an acid-base imbalance in our body and make us sick. Don't assume that just because a little bit of lemon juice is good, a lot is even better. Let's learn to appreciate nutrition, because food is live medicine.

What is the LOVE Diet, and why do you recommend the LOVE Diet?
The LOVE Diet is my term for an organic lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet, which omits all toxins and addictions. I recommend the LOVE Diet because it:
1) is safe, tasty, and satisfying;
2) provides all the essential nutrients;
3) minimizes the craving for addictive substances;
4) minimizes the severity of withdrawal from addictive substances;
5) provides high-fiber, which helps eliminate waste;
6) optimizes our physical and emotional health;
7) improves our relationships with others;
8) promotes peace and harmony.

Why do you advise against meat?
There are several reasons to eliminate meat from our diet:
1) Our teeth and intestines are not designed to digest meat.
2) When we eat meat, it creates toxins in our body, makes us sick, and makes us crave addictive substances. This is why we want coffee, dessert, alcohol, and tobacco after a meat meal.
3) The slaughter process is unsanitary and poorly regulated, so meat is often contaminated with dangerous bacteria.
4) Animals raised for meat are given toxic feed, antibiotics, and hormones that remain in their meat and contaminate our food. These contaminants lead to many diseases, including BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, aka Mad Cow Disease) and its human equivalent, CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, aka Human Spongiform Encephalopathy). Both BSE and CJD are fatal neurological diseases.
5) Even if animals are raised organically, numbers 1, 2, and 3 still apply.

Is it difficult to become a doctor? What is medical school like?
Becoming a doctor is extremely difficult. A medical education is like an ultra-marathon. There are four years of college, four years of medical school, one year of internship, and three to six years of residency. The curriculum includes anatomy, physiology, pathology, biochemistry, and pharmacology - but excludes nutrition, hygiene, safety, and common sense. Throughout medical school, internship, and residency, young doctors are required to take night call, which means going without sleep. In addition to sleep-deprivation, young doctors must cope with cafeteria food and frequent tests. The net effect of this ordeal is that many young doctors are malnourished, overworked, exhausted, and dazed. This is why most doctors do not have fond memories of their medical education. As an intern on morning rounds, I remember an attending physician saying that if he woke up tomorrow and found that he was a second-year medical student, he would hang himself. We all laughed in pained agreement, because we understood the rigors of medical education. But young doctors do not understand that medical education is a brainwashing process, sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry. It's ironic that young doctors must sacrifice their health for the sake of an education that does not fully prepare them to cure themselves or their patients.

Why is nasal hygiene so important?
Your nose is an air filter that accumulates mucus, dust, bacteria, viruses, and fungi. So your nose is an ideal environment for germs and sickness. It's important to clean your nose daily. The only effective way to clean your nose is nasal irrigation. Here's the technique: Buy a package of 3-ounce disposable cups (not a neti pot, because it breeds germs) and a salt shaker with a snap lid. Put two or three small shakes of salt in the cup, fill the cup with warm water, and stir with your finger. Too much or too little salt in the water will burn your nose. Bend over the bathroom sink, put your nose in the cup, and sniff. Don't be afraid of drowning. If the water gets in your mouth, you can just spit it out. Then blow your nose forcefully several times. Make sure you get all the water out of your nose. You'll be amazed at what comes out of your nose, and at how much better you feel.

What do nurses do?
Nurses act as intermediaries between doctors and patients. Nurses assist doctors in patient care by administering medicine, assisting in surgery, educating patients, monitoring patient progress, and reporting problems. But nurses are much more than just a doctor's assistant. Nurses have a great deal of clinical experience, and sometimes nurses have more clinical experience than the doctor. A wise doctor knows that it is a good idea to ask for the nurse's opinion and advice. I learned this as a medical student, intern, and resident. In fact, some of the best teachers I ever had were nurses. And some of the best doctors I've ever met were nurses before they became doctors. I have a great deal of respect for the knowledge and experience that nurses acquire. It's too bad that so many nurses are underpaid and underappreciated.

Do you recommend nutritional yeast?
Although nutritional yeast is a good source of vitamins and minerals, including folic acid, it is nonetheless very high in glutamate, which is a major excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. As a result of its high glutamate concentration, yeast is moderately addictive and can cause or aggravate asthma and headaches. Despite its nutritional and flavor-enhancing properties, it is best to avoid glutamate in all its forms, including the ubiquitous monosodium glutamate.

Why is oral hygiene so important?
Our mouth is teeming with bacteria that live on food which remains in our mouth after eating. Like all living organisms, these bacteria create waste products. As these waste products accumulate, they cause tooth decay and gum disease. The purpose of oral hygiene is to reduce the food, bacteria, and bacterial waste products in our mouth. This is why I recommend using an oral irrigator after every meal. I also recommend using an oscillating electric toothbrush at bedtime, having your teeth cleaned twice a year, and finding a dentist who recognizes the dangers of amalgams and metal dental work. Regular oral hygiene will save you from the nightmare of dental disease and painful dental treatments. Regular oral hygiene will enable you to chew your food, improve your appearance, and enjoy your life.

Are organic labels reliable and trustworthy?
Unfortunately, some organic labels are false and misleading. For example, some “organic” products, such as nut butter, frozen fruits, and frozen vegetables, come from China or Vietnam, where there is no true organic certification. So it’s important to look at the fine print on all labels and determine the country of origin. Also, it's a good idea to mention your concerns to the manager at your health food store.

What is organicMD.org?
organicMD.org is an independent, non-profit think tank that promotes peace and health by (a) publishing Peace Poetry, and (b) contrasting the LOVE Diet (nutrition) with the HATE Diet (addiction). organicMD.org was founded in 1989 by holistic physician-poet Hugh Mann, whose work has been published in various poetry anthologies and the British Medical Journal, Irish Medical Journal, Canadian Medical Association Journal, New Zealand Medical Journal, Annals of Internal Medicine, Journal For The Study of Antisemitism, Jerusalem Post, Cyprus Mail, and Poets Against War in Canada.

What is pain, and what should we do about it?
Life and pain are inseparable. Pain is the penalty for living: a toothache is the penalty for eating; a backache is the penalty for moving; and a heartache is the penalty for loving. How can we deal with so much pain? Here is my pain checklist:
P - Prevent injury, sickness, and destructive relationships.
A - Avoid addictive substances and follow my LOVE Diet.
I - Investigate the causes of your pain and consult doctors.
N - Never lose hope and never stop looking for answers.

Why do you advise against indoor pets?
Pets are a mixed blessing. They give us companionship and comfort, but they also give us allergies, parasites, and viruses. These diseases may be minor, or they may be life-threatening. For example, pet allergy can make us cough and sneeze, but pet viruses can cause cancer. The connection between cats and Hodgkin's disease (lymphoma) has been observed by many doctors. I have seen this connection several times in my practice. I love animals and understand their appeal, but I am concerned about the health risks of indoor pets.

Are you anti-pharmaceutical?
I am not anti-pharmaceutical. As a physician, I recognize that pharmaceuticals have a place in healthcare. However, I object to the cozy relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and physicians, in which the pharmaceutical industry provides physicians with "education" and "gifts." I also object to the dominant role of pharmaceuticals in healthcare. Since life is metabolism, and since metabolism depends on food and water, healthcare should focus on food and water. Of course, this logic threatens the monopoly that the pharmaceutical industry enjoys over healthcare. It is appalling that the pharmaceutical industry is making a fortune, while farmers are going bankrupt. Perhaps society needs fewer pharmacists and more "farm-assists."

Does organicMD.org have any political or religious affiliation or agenda?
organicMD.org is an independent, non-partisan think tank, and does not endorse or promote any political or religious agenda. Our only purpose is to promote peace and health among all people, regardless of their politics or religion, or any other divisive factor.

What is the difference between whole food and processed food? Is whole food better than processed food? What is your opinion of fermented food?
Whole food is food in its original form, such as milk, eggs, fruit, vegetables, grains, beans, nuts, and seeds. Processed food is food that has been altered, such as bread, cheese, peanut butter, tofu, tempeh, yogurt, jelly, and potato chips. As whole food is converted to processed food, we trade nutrition and safety for convenience and variety. In general, whole food is better than processed food.

Processed food can be divided into three categories: good, fair, and bad. Good processed food retains the nutrition and safety of the original whole food; some examples are bread, cheese, and peanut butter. Fair processed food loses some of the nutrition and safety of the original whole food; some examples are tofu, tempeh, miso, and soy milk. Bad processed food lacks most or all of the nutrition and safety of the original whole food; some examples are yogurt, kefir, jelly, and potato chips.

Note that all three categories of processed food include fermented food. Bread and cheese (good processed food), tempeh and miso (fair processed food), and yogurt and kefir (bad processed food) are all produced by fermentation. Note also that beer, wine, and liquor are all produced by fermentation. So fermentation can lead to either good, fair, bad, or addictive products. It is important to evaluate each processed food in terms of its nutrition and safety.

Do we need animal protein? What kind do you recommend?
We need both animal and plant protein. The best sources of animal protein are eggs, milk, and cheese. The best sources of plant protein are beans, nuts, and seeds. When it comes to protein, people tend to be extremists. There are strict vegetarians (called vegans) who eat no animal protein, and there are meat eaters who eat no plant protein. Both extremes are wrong, and both diets can make us sick. Animal and plant protein complement each other and ensure a healthy diet. This is why I recommend a lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet.

Do you have any recommended reading?
I recommend the following:
1) "Claire's Corner Copia Cookbook" by Claire Criscuolo
2) "American Wholefoods Cuisine" by Nikki and David Goldbeck
3) "Diet for a Small Planet" by Frances Moore Lappé
4) "Stretching" by Bob Anderson
5) "Excess in the pharmaceutical industry" by Dr. Marcia Angell
6) "The Emperor's New Clothes" and "The Ugly Duckling" by Hans Christian Andersen. "The Emperor's New Clothes" reminds me of society's pretentious institutions, including the healthcare industry. "The Ugly Duckling" reminds me of patients who are stigmatized and ostracized by the healthcare industry that fails to help them.
7) "I'm Nobody. Who are you?" by Emily Dickinson. This is a great poem and the perfect antidote for big egos.
8) Ogden Nash's poem about dentistry is a poignant reminder about the value of oral hygiene.
Some tortures are physical
And some are mental,
But the one that is both
Is dental.

What are recreational drugs, and what do you think of them?
"Recreational drugs" is a loose term that refers to legal and illegal drugs that are used without medical supervision. There are four categories of recreational drugs: analgesics, depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens. Analgesics include narcotics like heroin, morphine, fentanyl, and codeine. Depressants include alcohol, barbiturates, tranquilizers, and nicotine. Stimulants include cocaine, methamphetamine, and ecstasy (MDMA). Hallucinogens include LSD (acid), peyote (mescaline), psilocybin (magic mushrooms), marijuana, ketamine, phencyclidine (PCP), and salvia divinorum (diviner's sage).

"Recreational drugs" is a bad term. It suggests that drugs can be fun and safe. Nothing could be further from the truth. All drugs are nightmarish and dangerous. They alter our perception of reality and diminish our ability to reason, both of which endanger us. Drugs create psychological and physical dependence, both of which enslave us. Recreation is a legitimate need that requires legitimate activities, such as hobbies, exercise, conversation, music, dance, art, and literature.

What is respect? How can we promote more respect in society?
Respect is a recognition of human dignity. Respect is a key factor in all interactions between people of different backgrounds. Despite its importance, respect is subjective and difficult to evaluate. A good way to objectively evaluate and promote respect is to use my respect checklist:
R - Race, Religion, Ethnicity, and Gender
E - Education, Employment, and Economics
S - Social Network and Status
P - Priorities and Past Experiences
E - Expectations
C - Courtesy
T - Tolerance

What is the restless legs syndrome?
Restless legs are a redundancy. Our legs have large muscle groups, which are designed for movement. In my experience, restless legs respond well to aerobic exercise, such as walking, running, biking, dancing, and swimming. Please let’s not medicalize life with endless diagnoses that just create a pretext for more pharmaceuticals.

I've read so many bad things about salt that I'm afraid to use it. How much salt do I need? Why do you recommend plain, non-iodized sea salt?
Today, everybody is afraid of salt because doctors constantly warn us that too much salt causes hypertension. But doctors do not inform us that our blood is mostly salt water, and that too little salt can make us sick. The average healthy adult needs about 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 8 glasses of water per day. I prefer plain (non-iodized) sea salt, because sea salt has more trace elements (like iodine) than land salt, and because we only need iodine in very small amounts. Moreover, excess amounts of iodine can upset our thyroid gland and make us sick.

Why don't you cite scientific studies to support your theories?
I don't cite scientific studies for three reasons. First, scientific studies often reflect the bias of the scientist who conducts the study and the financial interests of the sponsor who pays for the study. For example, studies that recommend coffee are often conducted by scientists who drink coffee and are funded by coffee companies. Second, scientific studies ignore competing scientific theories. For example, pharmaceutical studies ignore osteopathy, homeopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture, and nutrition. Third, most scientific studies lack logic, predictability, and reliability, all of which are essential to the scientific method. For example, fifty percent of all scientific studies are contradicted by subsequent scientific studies, subjecting the public to misinformation, confusion, and apprehension. We must not surrender our common sense and independence to every scientific study or theory. Life and health are infinitely more complex than scientists realize or admit. A lot of science is just "lab oratory."

I don't seem to have the willpower or self-control to give up alcohol, tobacco, and junk food. This makes me feel ashamed and guilty. What should I do?
Dietary habits are deeply engrained, difficult to change, and emotionally charged. This is especially true with addictions. In order to give up bad habits, we must first cultivate good habits. The LOVE Diet improves our health and strengthens our resistance to the HATE Diet. Effortlessly and automatically, the freedom of health replaces the slavery, shame, and guilt of addiction.

What do you recommend for insomnia?
A good night's sleep is the perfect reward for a day spent eating, working, caring, and sharing. If you can't sleep at night, the problem is how you spent your day. Here is my sleep checklist:
S - Say the truth to yourself and others.
L - Lie down and take a daytime nap.
E - Eat well and avoid addictive substances.
E - Exercise and stretch.
P - Pray and hope.

Is smokeless tobacco safer than smoking tobacco?
The "safety" of smokeless tobacco relative to smoking tobacco is false and misleading. Promoting the slightly lower morbidity and mortality rates for smokeless tobacco is akin to touting arsenic as preferable to strychnine. All forms of tobacco are essentially the same, and any distinction between different forms of tobacco is a distinction without a difference.

I know I should quit smoking, but I can't. What should I do?
Tobacco is very difficult to give up. It's as addictive as heroin or cocaine, but it's legal, socially acceptable, and affordable. In order to give up tobacco, I recommend that you follow my LOVE Diet and avoid all addictive substances, including alcohol, sweets, chocolate, coffee, tea, and cola. These addictive substances increase your craving for tobacco. I also recommend that you give up meat, because meat increases your craving for tobacco. Finally, study diseases caused by tobacco, especially cancer, emphysema, and bronchitis. The terrible suffering of these diseases should deter all tobacco use, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and smokeless tobacco.

I get hungry in-between meals. Is it OK to snack?
It's natural to get hungry in-between meals, and it's OK to snack. Don't deprive yourself of food when you're hungry. For snacks, I recommend fruit, cheese, bread, milk, nuts, and seeds, all of which are quick, easy, and satisfying. Don't forget to use oral irrigation after every snack. Whether you've eaten a full meal or just a snack, you must always maintain oral hygiene.

All my friends drink. Is social drinking OK?
Social drinking is a euphemism for group alcoholism. Whether you drink alcohol in private or in public, you are a victim of alcoholism. It's important to accept individual responsibility for your behavior and your health, even if that means going against the crowd.

Is our social life important?
We are social mammals, and all of our activities are emotionally charged with thoughts and memories of our relationships. These thoughts and memories control much of our lives, including such physiological activities as sleeping and eating. In order to correct sleeping and eating disorders, such as insomnia, anorexia, bulimia, or obesity, we must understand their emotional associations and social context. Sleeping and eating are more than rapid eye movements and peristalsis; they are also dreams and reassurance. Both sleeping and eating revolve around our need for love and security. We are more than biological beings, and it's impossible to overestimate the significance of our emotional and social life.

Why do you say that spices should be used sparingly?
Spices are seeds, leaves, stems, bark, and berries of plants that have a strong smell or taste. Common spices are ginger, cayenne, cinnamon, pepper, curry, basil, thyme, rosemary, fennel, saffron, ginger, and cardamon. We use these spices to enhance the taste of our food. But spices are not food and must be used with restraint. Too much spice can ruin our food and our health.

Why do you recommend stretching?
Stretching and exercise enhance each other. Stretching lengthens muscles; exercise shortens muscles. Like exercise, stretching must be safe and requires warm-up, reasonable levels of exertion, and adequate rest periods. A regular stretching program keeps our muscles limber, prevents injuries, and enables us to be physically active.

How do you prevent suicide?
Suicidal thoughts, feelings, and behavior are a psychiatric crisis, which requires the multi-disciplinary intervention of physicians, nurses, psychologists, social workers, and clergy, all of whom have expertise in suicidology. In order to assist these professionals, I offer my suicide prevention checklist:
S - stressors (physical, emotional, social, financial)
U - underlying problems, conflicts, and disappointments
I - ideation, intentionality, and impulse control
C - coping, cooperation, contact, and continuity
I - intervention (psychotherapy, daycare, hospitalization)
D - diet, drugs, and addictive substances
E - expectation of help, improvement, and recovery

How much sunshine do I need?
The sun is as miraculous as life itself. In fact, the miracle of life depends on the miracle of the sun. But the sun is so powerful that we only need a little sunshine. Too much sunshine causes blindness, skin cancer, and even death. This is particularly true for pale-skinned people who don't tan easily. It is important to protect ourselves from excess sunshine by avoiding the midday sun and by wearing a hat, sunglasses, and appropriate clothing. We must regulate the amount of sunshine in our lives, so that we get enough, but not too much.

What is your opinion of surgery?
Surgery is a miraculous form of health care that requires the combined efforts of surgeons, anesthesiologists, and nurses. When performed correctly, surgery can be life-enhancing and even lifesaving. However, when performed incorrectly, surgery can be devastating and even fatal. The best surgeons recognize that surgery is potentially dangerous and should only be a last resort.

Unfortunately, some surgeons ignore the dangers of surgery and are too quick to recommend surgery. One reason for this is that surgeons pay a lot of money for malpractice insurance, and therefore, must earn a great deal of money to cover all their expenses. The high cost of surgery for both the patient and the surgeon is a compelling argument for universal healthcare, in which the government sponsors necessary healthcare. However, we must remember that universal healthcare needs universal self-care.

Is tea good for you? Is green tea rich in antioxidants?
There's a lot of folklore and literature about the health benefits of tea. This is unfortunate, because tea is toxic and addictive. I advise against all tea, including herbal, black, oolong, and green. Herbal tea is not really tea, but a brew of herbs, which supposedly are beneficial, but actually are quite toxic. Black, oolong, and green tea all come from the same plant. Black tea has more caffeine; green tea has more antioxidants; and oolong tea is intermediate between black tea and green tea. The current antioxidant fad is based on a distortion of biochemistry. We need some antioxidants, but not an overabundance. We get more than enough antioxidants from fresh fruits and vegetables, without resorting to a toxic, bitter, addictive beverage like tea.

Should doctors and patients use titles when addressing each other?
Sickness is not only an injury to the body and the mind, but also an injury to the ego. Since the ego enables patients to deal with reality, doctors must do all they can to support the patient's ego. One way of supporting the ego is to allow for regression in the service of the ego, so that the patient can feel a measure of childlike safety and comfort. Therefore, it is sometimes helpful to allow, but not force, patients to regress by calling them by their first name. Of course, this must be done selectively and carefully, with all due respect to the patient’s wishes and sensitivities. Also, it is wise for doctors to remember that their title is not an entitlement, but a responsibility.

Does tobacco cause other problems besides cancer, heart disease, and lung disease?
The lethal effects of tobacco are so prominent that they eclipse the non-lethal effects. We all know that tobacco causes cancer, heart disease, and chronic lung disease, but we tend to overlook the fact that tobacco causes or aggravates other conditions. For example, smoking increases the risk of hearing impairment and ear infections, both of which can lead to deafness. Let's pressure the tobacco industry to fund research into tobacco-related deafness, and let's not allow the industry to turn a deaf ear, as it has done so many times in the past.

What is your prescription for toenail fungus?
Toenail fungus (onychomycosis) and its accompanying inflammation (paronychia) are common, chronic, painful conditions. In my experience, both respond well to tea tree oil (melaleuca oil), which is applied topically and locally once or twice a day, and which may obviate the need for surgery and/or potentially toxic medications. I also advise that patients refrain from trimming cuticles, because this can break the waterproof seal around the nail bed, and create an environment for fungus.

What are some examples of the Toxic Craving Cycle?
The Toxic Craving Cycle is my term for the way that toxic and addictive substances reinforce each other and create a vicious cycle of sickness and addiction. The Toxic Craving Cycle is all around us and helps to explain the prevalence of sickness, addiction, conflict, and violence. Examples of the Toxic Craving Cycle are found in occupations, diet, healthcare, and war:
1) Painters, farmers, factory workers, miners, and exterminators (who work with toxic substances) are often addicted to alcohol and tobacco, both of which are toxic, as well as addictive.
2) People who eat meat (which cannot be properly digested and becomes toxic in our intestines) often crave dessert, coffee, tea, and tobacco after eating.
3) People with "silver" fillings (which contain mercury) are often addicted to sweets, which in turn create more tooth decay and the "need" for more silver fillings.
4) People who take a lot of medicines (most of which are semi-poisons) often crave sweets, which in turn create more sickness and the "need" for more medicines.
5) People whose symptoms are caused by toxins and addictions are often misdiagnosed as hypochondriacs and treated with tranquilizers, which in turn create more symptoms and confuse the clinical picture.
6) People who are physically inactive develop pain and stiffness, which lead to more inactivity and pain medicine, which in turn lead to more pain and stiffness.
7) War exposes people to nuclear, biological, and chemical toxins, all of which increase the craving for addictive substances, which in turn lead to more conflict, violence, and war. Moreover, war interferes with food and water supplies, which creates malnutrition and dehydration, both of which increase the craving for addictive substances and further aggravate the vicious cycle of addiction and violence.

I travel a lot and can't cook for myself. What do you suggest?
Being away from home makes life challenging. We are always searching for the comforts of home. So being away from home requires planning and making choices. Here is my travel checklist:
T - Take food and water with you, and don't skip meals.
R - Refrigerate your food in a cooler with ice packs.
A - Avoid the temptation of convenient junk food.
V - Visit health food stores and buy cooked meals and salads.
E - Eat fresh fruit, bread, cheese, nuts, and seeds.
L - Learn to appreciate the comforts of home.

Why is US healthcare so expensive?
US healthcare is so expensive, because the US is the headquarters of Big Pharma, with its army of well-heeled, well-connected lobbyists and their insuperable financial, political, scientific, and media influence.

Do you recommend vaccines?
Vaccines are a mixed blessing. They can stimulate our immune system and generate an immunity to acute disease, but they can also overwhelm our immune system and generate a susceptibility to chronic disease. The question about vaccines is not whether they work; the question is whether the cure is worse than the disease. Are we better off with the artificial immunity that results from vaccines? Or are we better off with the natural immunity that results from the usual childhood diseases of measles, mumps, and chickenpox? Let's re-visit this question in a calm, objective manner, without polarizing, ad hominem rhetoric.

I'm worried that if I don't take vitamin and mineral supplements, I won't get enough nutrition. Since many experts recommend supplements, why don't you?
Life and health are a symphony of chemicals, which must be present in the right proportions. Too much is just as bad as too little. Today, everyone is worried about getting enough calcium, as if it's impossible to get enough. This is false and dangerous reasoning. Too much calcium can cause constipation, irritability, insomnia, headaches, kidney stones, peptic ulcer, and psychosis. Why don't the experts who recommend supplements warn people about the dangers of excess chemicals? Perhaps it's because many of these experts also sell supplements. A healthy diet is like a good recipe: you need the right ingredients in the right proportions. Too much of one ingredient can ruin your dish, your diet, and your health.

What is wasting, and what do you recommend for it?
Wasting is extreme weight loss due to diseases such as TB, AIDS, and cancer. We are so concerned about appearance and weight loss, that we tend to overlook the issue of wasting. As a result, wasting has received inadequate research and therapeutic protocols. In my experience, wasting responds favorably to a diet which emphasizes organic whole milk, heavy cream, cheese, and mixed roasted nuts and seeds. If we dedicate ourselves to diet and internal health, our appearance and weight will often take care of itself.

What's wrong with tap water?
Tap water is not automatically safe. It may be contaminated with chemicals, bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and dirt. Have your tap water tested by a laboratory. Then ask a water company to design a filtration and purification system based on the lab results. If your water comes from a well, it may be necessary to have it softened, which means eliminating hard elements like calcium, iron, and magnesium. Water is a complex, precious substance, and we should not take its quality or supply for granted.

Will the LOVE Diet help me lose weight?
Most people confuse physique with health. This is why our culture is so obsessed with cosmetic surgery, sports, fashion, tanning, and cosmetics. Although physique and health are related, they are not identical. Physique is external, while health is internal. Physique focuses on muscles, while health focuses on organs. The LOVE Diet promotes health and self-acceptance. It will help you to achieve healthy organs and an ideal weight. But your ideal weight can only be determined by your body, not by you. Don't be a slave to your appearance. Dedicate yourself to your internal health, and your appearance will take care of itself.

Why do you recommend taking a half teaspoon of wheat germ oil every day? Do you recommend flax seed oil?
As we age, our body dries out and wears outs. Our skin cracks, our joints creak, our bones shrink, and our muscles grow weak. In order to counteract age, we must feed our body properly and keep it lubricated. Wheat germ oil is an ideal lubricant, because it is safe, tasty, nutritious, and effective. Subject to physician approval, I recommend that most people take one-half teaspoon of wheat germ oil per day. It's important that the wheat germ oil is high-quality, unrefined, expeller pressed with no solvents, in a black container, and refrigerated. Avoid wheat germ oil packaged in individual gel caps.

Although flaxseed oil has become popular, I don't recommend flax seed oil, because it has an unpleasant fishy taste, lacks health benefits, and causes side effects. Flax seeds are very healthful, but the best way to consume them is by chewing whole roasted flax seeds. Proper nutrition promotes aging without infirmity.

Do you have any advice for writers? What is your writing style?
Writing is a mental discipline that requires a lot of thought. In fact, writers are always thinking. I have found that writing is a link between think and ink. Unfortunately, some writing is more ink than think. If you want to be a writer, think about what kind of person you are, what you have to say, and how you want to say it. Then experiment with different writing styles, until you find the one that is right for you.

My writing style is prose poetry. This means that most of my writing is poetry, but it is formatted as prose. Unfortunately, poetry has a bad reputation: it is considered incomprehensible and irrelevant. But in fact, we live in a world of poetry: ads are poetry, the Bible is poetry, and songs are poetry set to music. Moreover, we are all poets, and I've never met anyone who couldn't write at least one good poem. I hope that my writing inspires people to read and write more poetry. The world needs poets for peace and health. The world needs peace poetry.

My writing style is also aphoristic. An aphorism is a saying that summarizes a complex idea with a few simple words. This website has aphorisms within the text of each page, an aphorism at the end of each page which summarizes the message of that page, and a page of my aphorisms.

What is your opinion of yogurt and probiotics?
Yogurt is outdated milk that has been recycled by adding certain bacteria, which are supposedly good for you. These "good" bacteria are called probiotics to distinguish them from antibiotics, which can be harmful. Actually, the distinction between "good" and "bad" bacteria is artificial; all bacteria can be harmful, and yogurt is not good for you. Fresh milk is better than spoiled milk, and we don't need foreign bacteria. We need our own bacteria, which are produced by our intestines through proper nutrition and the avoidance of toxins and addictions. It amazes me that the food industry has been able to fool so many people with yogurt.